Articles matching “John”
- Stefan John, Alexandru Burdusel, Robert Bill, Daniel Strùˆber, Gabriele Taentzer, Steffen Zschaler, Manuel Wimmer, Searching for Optimal Models: Comparing Two Encoding Approaches, pp. 6:1-22, PDF, DOI. Volume 18, no. 3 (July 2019)
- Michael Johnson, Robert Rosebrugh, Symmetric delta lenses and spans of asymmetric delta lenses, pp. 2:1-32, PDF, DOI. Volume 16, no. 1 (February 2017)
- John McGregor, The Trouble with Configuration Management, HTML, DOI. Volume 9, no. 5 (September 2010)
- John McGregor, It's a Small World — Globalization, pp. 7-17, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 9, no. 3 (May 2010)
- John D. McGregor, Attached Processes, pp. 7-16, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 9, no. 2 (March 2010)
- John D. McGregor, Intentionality, pp. 7-13, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 9, no. 1 (January 2010)
- John D. McGregor, Ecosystems, continued, pp. 7-23, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 8, no. 7 (November 2009)
- John D. McGregor, Ecosystems, pp. 7-16, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 8, no. 6 (September 2009)
- John D. McGregor, Goal-driven Product Derivation, pp. 7-19, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 8, no. 5 (July 2009)
- John Boyland, An Operational Semantics including ‘Volatile’ for Safe Concurrency, pp. 33-53, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 8, no. 4 (June 2009)
- John D. McGregor, Strategic Software Engineering, pp. 7-15, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 8, no. 3 (May 2009)
- John D. McGregor, Variation Verification, pp. 7-14, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 8, no. 2 (March 2009)
- John D. McGregor, Modeling Software, pp. 7-22, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 8, no. 1 (January 2009)
- John D. McGregor, Agile Software Product Lines, Deconstructed, pp. 7-19, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 7, no. 8 (November 2008)
- Dalen Kambur, Mark Roantree, John Murphy, An Object Model for Sensor Data Integration, pp. 97-117, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 7, no. 8 (November 2008)
- Roger Johnson, George Roussos, Luca Vetti Tagliati, Requirements analysis for large scale systems, pp. 117-137, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 7, no. 8 (November 2008)
- John D. McGregor, Qualitative SIMPLE, pp. 7-16, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 7, no. 7 (September 2008)
- John D. McGregor, Mix and Match, pp. 7-16, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 7, no. 6 (July 2008)
- John Boyland, Guest Editorial, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 7, no. 5 (June 2008)
- John D. McGregor, Pay me now or pay me more later, pp. 7-18, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 7, no. 4 (May 2008)
- John D. McGregor, An Increase In Value, pp. 7-16, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 7, no. 3 (March 2008)
- Trevor Parsons, John Murphy, Detecting Performance Antipatterns in Com-ponent Based Enterprise Systems, pp. 55-90, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 7, no. 3 (March 2008)
- John D. McGregor, It depends on what you mean by ‘working’, pp. 7-15, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 7, no. 1 (January 2008)
- John D. McGregor, Value, pp. 9-15, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 6, no. 10 (November 2007)
- John Potter, Abdelsalam Shanneb, Incremental Lock Selection for Composite Objects, pp. 477-494, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 6, no. 9 (October 2007)
- John D. McGregor, Form over Substance, pp. 9-17, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 6, no. 8 (September 2007)
- John D. McGregor, Openness, pp. 7-14, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 6, no. 6 (July 2007)
- John D. McGregor, Test early, test often, pp. 7-14, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 6, no. 4 (May 2007)
- John D. McGregor, Dependability, pp. 7-12, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 6, no. 3 (March 2007)
- John D. McGregor, CM - Configuration Change Management, pp. 7-15, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 6, no. 1 (January 2007)
- John D. McGregor, Natures and Perspectives, pp. 7-13, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 5, no. 8 (November 2006)
- John D. McGregor, Professional development, pp. 17-22, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 5, no. 6 (July 2006)
- Mircea Trofin, John Murphy, Removing Redundant Boundary Checks in Contextual Composition Frameworks, pp. 63-82, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 5, no. 6 (July 2006)
- John Boyland, Why we should not add readonly to Java (yet), pp. 5-29, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 5, no. 5 (June 2006)
- John D. McGregor, Breathing life into ‘living documents’, pp. 17-21, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 5, no. 4 (May 2006)
- John D. McGregor, Planning before plans, pp. 27-34, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 5, no. 2 (March 2006)
- John D. McGregor, Complexity, its in the mind of the beholder, pp. 31-37, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 5, no. 1 (January 2006)
- John D. McGregor, Ideas from SPLC, pp. 23-29, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 4, no. 9 (November 2005)
- John D. McGregor, Context, pp. 35-44, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 4, no. 7 (September 2005)
- John D. McGregor, Customer Interface Management, pp. 19-25, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 4, no. 5 (July 2005)
- John D. McGregor, Secure Software, pp. 33-42, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 4, no. 4 (May 2005)
- John M. Daughtry III, Thomas George Kannampallil, Refactoring to Patterns, pp. 193-196, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 4, no. 4 (May 2005)
- John D. McGregor, Metrics, pp. 49-58, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 4, no. 2 (March 2005)
- David Johnson, Association Implementation, pp. 81-108, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 4, no. 2 (March 2005)
- Brian Henderson-Sellers, Quynh-Nhu Numi Tran, John Debenham, An Etymological and Metamodel-Based Evaluation of the Terms ‘Goals and Tasks’ in Agent-Oriented Methodologies, pp. 131-150, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 4, no. 2 (March 2005)
- John D. McGregor, Community, pp. 59-66, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 4, no. 1 (January 2005)
- John D. McGregor, Product Production, pp. 89-98, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 3, no. 10 (November 2004)
- John D. McGregor, The Weak Link in the Supply Chain, pp. 71-80, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 3, no. 8 (September 2004)
- John D. McGregor, Domain *, pp. 71-81, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 3, no. 7 (July 2004)
- John D. McGregor, Software Architecture, pp. 65-77, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 3, no. 5 (May 2004)
- Pierre Metz, John O'Brien, Wolfgang Weber, Specifying Use Case Interaction: Clarifying Extension Points and Rejoin Points, pp. 87-102, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 3, no. 5 (May 2004)
- John D. McGregor, Software Product Lines, pp. 65-74, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 3, no. 3 (March 2004)
- James Odell, H. Van Dyke Parunak, Sven Brueckner, John Sauter, Changing Roles: Dynamic Role Assignment, pp. 77-86, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 2, no. 5 (September 2003)
- Pierre Metz, John O'Brien, Wolfgang Weber, Specifying Use Case Interaction: Types of Alternative Courses, pp. 111-131, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 2, no. 2 (March 2003)
- Panayiotis Periorellis, John E. Dobson, Organisational Failures in Dependable Collaborative Enterprise Systems, pp. 107-117, PDF, HTML, DOI. Volume 1, no. 3 (August 2002)