Volume 3, no. 5 (May 2004)
- Richard Wiener, Editorial, PDF, HTML, DOI.
- Dave Thomas, Message Oriented Programming - The Case for First Class Messages, pp. 7-12, PDF, HTML, DOI.
- Anthony J.H. Simons, The Theory of Classification, Part 12::Building the Class Hierarchy, pp. 13-24, PDF, HTML, DOI.
- Won Kim, Smart Cards: Status, Issues, and US Adoption, pp. 25-30, PDF, HTML, DOI.
- Donald Firesmith, Creating a Project-Specific Requirements Engineering Process, pp. 31-44, PDF, HTML, DOI.
- Mahesh H. Dodani, Open Source Reusable Assets, pp. 45-50, PDF, HTML, DOI.
- Douglas Lyon, Project Imperion: New Semantics, Façade and Command Design Patterns for Swing, pp. 51-64, PDF, HTML, DOI.
- John D. McGregor, Software Architecture, pp. 65-77, PDF, HTML, DOI.
- Richard Wiener, Delegates and Events in C#, pp. 78-85, PDF, HTML, DOI.
- Pierre Metz, John O'Brien, Wolfgang Weber, Specifying Use Case Interaction: Clarifying Extension Points and Rejoin Points, pp. 87-102, PDF, HTML, DOI.
- Apostolos Zarras, A Comparison Framework for Middleware Infrastructures, pp. 103-123, PDF, HTML, DOI.
- William N. Robinson, Greg Elofson, Goal Directed Analysis with Use Cases, pp. 125-142, PDF, HTML, DOI.
- Alain Pirotte, David Massart, Integrating Two Descriptions of Taxonomies with Materialization, pp. 143-149, PDF, HTML, DOI.