The journal curated newsletter
The JOT newsletter is a service that is curated by the Journal. The JOT Journal used to have a blog opens to the community, but now competes with well-known blogs such as Medium and alike. To avoid such as duplication of effort, we decided to turn the existing blog to a periodic newsletter. A medium filled by the community, for the community.
Any public content such as blog posts, screencasts, or webinars that are relevant to the software and language engineering community can be referenced by anyone through a dedicated form. The newsletter editor, Prof. Olivier Barais, will collect, curate, and eventually send all the referenced materials to the community through a periodic newsletter.
The Newsletter Editor (Prof. Olivier Barais).
How to subscribe
To subscribe to the JOT newsletter, please provide your contact information:
How to propose a contribution
Please, click the button below to propose a blog post, a screencast, webinar, or anyhing you retain is of interest for the JOT audience. Your proposal will be reviewed and in case is retained appropriate will be distributed in the next newsletter.