Volume 2, no. 5 (September 2003)
- Richard Wiener, Editorial, PDF, HTML, DOI.
- Dave Thomas, The Impedance Imperative Tuples + Objects + Infosets = Too Much Stuff!, pp. 7-12, PDF, HTML, DOI.
- Francis G. Mossé, ‘Analysis Paralysis’? — There exist so many ways to proceed, how could you get paralyzed?, pp. 13-16, PDF, HTML, DOI.
- Osvaldo Pinali Doederlein, The Tale of Java Performance, pp. 17-40, PDF, HTML, DOI.
- Conrad Bock, UML 2 Activity and Action Models, Part 2, pp. 41-56, PDF, HTML, DOI.
- Won Kim, A Snapshot of the Trends of the Internet Era: United States 2003, pp. 57-66, PDF, HTML, DOI.
- Donald Firesmith, Using Quality Models to Engineer Quality Requirements, pp. 67-75, PDF, HTML, DOI.
- James Odell, H. Van Dyke Parunak, Sven Brueckner, John Sauter, Changing Roles: Dynamic Role Assignment, pp. 77-86, PDF, HTML, DOI.
- Liwu Li, Xin Zhao, UML Specification and Relational Database, pp. 87-100, PDF, HTML, DOI.
- P. V. Reddy, Toward Better Logical Models in UML, pp. 101-121, PDF, HTML, DOI.
- Liping Zhao, James O. Coplien, Understanding Symmetry in Object-Oriented Languages, pp. 123-134, PDF, HTML, DOI.
- Gonzalo Génova, Carlos Ruiz del Castillo, Juan Llorens, Mapping UML Associations into Java Code, pp. 135-162, PDF, HTML, DOI.
- Charles Ashbacher, Patterns of Enterprise Application Development, by Martin Fowler, pp. 163-164, PDF, HTML, DOI.
- Dave Neuendorf, Richard Wiener, JBuilder 9 Enterprise Suite, pp. 165-168, PDF, HTML, DOI.