Articles matching “Rumpe”

  1. Marco Konersmann, Bernhard Rumpe, Max Stachon, Sebastian Stüber, Valdes Voufo, Towards a Semantically Useful Definition of Conformance with a Reference Model, pp. 1-14, PDF, DOI. Volume 23, no. 3 (July 2024)
  2. Nico Jansen, Jérôme Pfeiffer, Bernhard Rumpe, David Schmalzing, Andreas Wortmann, Modeling Variability of Hierarchical Component-Based Systems, pp. 1-15, PDF, DOI. Volume 23, no. 3 (July 2024)
  3. Arvid Butting, Rohit Gupta, Nico Jansen, Nikolaus Regnat, Bernhard Rumpe, Towards Modular Development of Reusable Language Components for Domain-Specific Modeling Languages in the MagicDraw and MontiCore Ecosystems, pp. 1:1-21, PDF, DOI. Volume 22, no. 1 ( 2023)
  4. Achim Lindt, Bernhard Rumpe, Max Stachon, Sebastian Stüber, CDMerge: Semantically Sound Merging of Class Diagrams for Software Component Integration, pp. 2:1-14, PDF, DOI. Volume 22, no. 2 (July 2023)
  5. Jan Oliver Ringert, Bernhard Rumpe, Max Stachon, On Implementing Open World Semantic Differencing for Class Diagrams, pp. 2:1-14, PDF, DOI. Volume 22, no. 2 (July 2023)
  6. Florian Drux, Nico Jansen, Bernhard Rumpe, A Catalog of Design Patterns for Compositional Language Engineering, pp. 4:1-13, PDF, DOI. Volume 21, no. 4 (October 2022)
  7. Arvid Butting, Judith Michael, Bernhard Rumpe, Language Composition via Kind-Typed Symbol Tables, pp. 4:1-13, PDF, DOI. Volume 21, no. 4 (October 2022)
  8. Oliver Kautz, Bernhard Rumpe, Louis Wachtmeister, Semantic Differencing of Use Case Diagrams, pp. 3:1-14, PDF, DOI. Volume 21, no. 3 (July 2022)
  9. Nico Jansen, Jérôme Pfeiffer, Bernhard Rumpe, David Schmalzing, Andreas Wortmann, The Language of SysML v2 under the Magnifying Glass, pp. 3:1-15, PDF, DOI. Volume 21, no. 3 (July 2022)
  10. Imke Drave, Arkadii Gerasimov, Judith Michael, Lukas Netz, Bernhard Rumpe, Simon Varga, A Methodology for Retrofitting Generative Aspects in Existing Applications, pp. 2:1-24, PDF, DOI. Volume 20, no. 2 ( 2021)
  11. Lars Hamann, Richard Paige, Alfonso Pierantonio, Bernhard Rumpe, Antonio Vallecillo, Preface to the JOT Special Issue dedicated to Martin Gogolla on his 65th Birthday, pp. 1-5, PDF, DOI. Volume 19, no. 3 (October 2020)
  12. Arvid Butting, Robert Eikermann, Katrin Hölldobler, Nico Jansen, Bernhard Rumpe, Andreas Wortmann, A Library of Literals, Expressions, Types, and Statements for Compositional Language Design, pp. 3:1-16, PDF, DOI. Volume 19, no. 3 (October 2020)
  13. Nils Kaminski, Evgeny Kusmenko, Bernhard Rumpe, Modeling Dynamic Architectures of Self-Adaptive Cooperative Systems, pp. 2:1-20, PDF, DOI. Volume 18, no. 2 (July 2019)
  14. Katrin Hölldobler, Judith Michael, Jan Oliver Ringert, Bernhard Rumpe, Andreas Wortmann, Innovations in Model-based Software And Systems Engineering, pp. 1-60, PDF, DOI. Volume 18, no. 1 (2019)
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