Articles matching “Wortmann”

  1. Daniel Lehner, Jérôme Pfeiffer, Stefan Klikovits, Andreas Wortmann, Manuel Wimmer, A Method for Template-based Architecture Modeling and its Application to Digital Twins, pp. 1-14, PDF, DOI. Volume 23, no. 3 (July 2024)
  2. Nico Jansen, Jérôme Pfeiffer, Bernhard Rumpe, David Schmalzing, Andreas Wortmann, Modeling Variability of Hierarchical Component-Based Systems, pp. 1-15, PDF, DOI. Volume 23, no. 3 (July 2024)
  3. Jérôme Pfeiffer, Daniel Lehner, Andreas Wortmann, Manuel Wimmer, Modeling Capabilities of Digital Twin Platforms - Old Wine in New Bottles?, pp. 3:1-14, PDF, DOI. Volume 21, no. 3 (July 2022)
  4. Nico Jansen, Jérôme Pfeiffer, Bernhard Rumpe, David Schmalzing, Andreas Wortmann, The Language of SysML v2 under the Magnifying Glass, pp. 3:1-15, PDF, DOI. Volume 21, no. 3 (July 2022)
  5. Arvid Butting, Robert Eikermann, Katrin Hölldobler, Nico Jansen, Bernhard Rumpe, Andreas Wortmann, A Library of Literals, Expressions, Types, and Statements for Compositional Language Design, pp. 3:1-16, PDF, DOI. Volume 19, no. 3 (October 2020)
  6. Katrin Hölldobler, Judith Michael, Jan Oliver Ringert, Bernhard Rumpe, Andreas Wortmann, Innovations in Model-based Software And Systems Engineering, pp. 1-60, PDF, DOI. Volume 18, no. 1 (2019)
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