First-Class Concepts: Reified Architectural Knowledge Beyond Dominant Decompositions

By: Toni Mattis, Tom Beckmann, Patrick Rein, Robert Hirschfeld


Ideally, programs are partitioned into independently maintainable and understandable modules. As a system grows, its architecture gradually loses the capability to accommodate new concepts in a modular way. While refactoring is expensive and not always possible, and the programming language might lack dedicated primary language constructs to express certain cross-cutting concerns, programmers are still able to explain and delineate convoluted concepts through secondary means: code comments, use of whitespace and arrangement of code, documentation, or communicating tacit knowledge. Secondary constructs are easy to change and provide high flexibility in communicating cross-cutting concerns and other concepts among programmers. However, such secondary constructs usually have no reified representation that can be explored and manipulated as first-class entities through the programming environment. In this exploratory work, we discuss novel ways to express a wide range of concepts, including cross-cutting concerns, patterns, and lifecycle artifacts independently of the dominant decomposition imposed by an existing architecture. We propose the representation of concepts as first-class objects inside the programming environment that retain the capability to change as easily as code comments. We explore new tools that allow programmers to view, navigate, and change programs based on conceptual perspectives. In a small case study, we demonstrate how such views can be created and how the programming experience changes from draining programmers’ attention by stretching it across multiple modules toward focusing it on cohesively presented concepts. Our designs are geared toward facilitating multiple secondary perspectives on a system to co-exist in symbiosis with the original architecture, hence making it easier to explore, understand, and explain complex contexts and narratives that are hard or impossible to express using primary modularity constructs.


software engineering, modularity, exploratory programming, program comprehension, remodularization, architecture recovery.

Cite as:

Toni Mattis, Tom Beckmann, Patrick Rein, Robert Hirschfeld, “First-Class Concepts: Reified Architectural Knowledge Beyond Dominant Decompositions”, Journal of Object Technology, Volume 21, no. 2 ( 2022), pp. 1-15, doi:10.5381/jot.2022.21.2.a6.

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