Static Checking for Multiple Start of Threads in a Type-Safe Multithreaded Java

By: Zeinab Iranmanesh, Mehran S. Fallah


We present MTMJ, a multithreaded middleweight model language for Java which is strongly typed and prevents multiple run-time start of threads. The key point in designing the language is to balance precision and efficiency by judicious utilization of context information during type checking. While the types are flow-insensitive, the required flow-dependent information is collected as type checking progresses. We prove that our type system is sound and guarantees the good behavior of well-typed programs. In particular, the execution of a typable program does not lead to multiple start of threads. We also develop a type checker as part of this research and apply it to several MTMJ programs.


Java, Multiple Start of Threads, Multithreading, Type Safety

Cite as:

Zeinab Iranmanesh, Mehran S. Fallah, “Static Checking for Multiple Start of Threads in a Type-Safe Multithreaded Java”, Journal of Object Technology, Volume 16, no. 3 (June 2017), pp. 1:1-31, doi:10.5381/jot.2017.16.3.a1.

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