On Assuring Software Quality and Curbing Software Development Cost

By: Won Kim


To assure software quality, a few things have to be done right. The development team has to be properly staffed and organized. A development process has to be in place and followed by members of a development team. To curb the cost of developing software, a few things have to be done. Beyond possibly outsourcing development to where the cost is much lower, the in-house development team has to work as a cohesive team, and the caliber of each member of the development team needs to be continually and appropriately upgraded.

Cite as:

Won Kim, “On Assuring Software Quality and Curbing Software Development Cost”, Journal of Object Technology, Volume 5, no. 6 (July 2006), pp. 35-42, doi:10.5381/jot.2006.5.6.c5.

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