Diamond Inheritance and Attribute Types in Timor
By: J. Leslie Keedy, Christian Heinlein, Gisela Menger, Mark Evered
In Timor multiple inheritance of methods from a common abstract ancestor and of separate “parts” from distinct supertypes are handled in different ways. The paper shows that neither technique is suitable for cases where a common concrete ancestor is specialised in different subtypes and then brought together in a new subtype, possibly with repeated inheritance.
Cite as:
J. Leslie Keedy, Christian Heinlein, Gisela Menger, Mark Evered, “Diamond Inheritance and Attribute Types in Timor”, Journal of Object Technology, Volume 3, no. 10 (November 2004), pp. 121-142, doi:10.5381/jot.2004.3.10.a2.
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