Articles matching “Miranda”
- James Pontes Miranda, Hugo Bruneliere, Massimo Tisi, Gerson Sunyé, Integrating the Support for Machine Learning of Inter-Model Relations in Model Views, pp. 1-14, PDF, DOI. Volume 23, no. 3 (July 2024)
- Sergio Miranda, Elder Rodrigues Jr, Marco Tulio Valente, Ricardo Terra, Architecture Conformance Checking in Dynamically Typed Languages, pp. 1:1-34, PDF, DOI. Volume 15, no. 3 (June 2016)
- Clément Béra, Eliot Miranda, Marcus Denker, Stéphane Ducasse, Practical Validation of Bytecode to Bytecode JIT Compiler Dynamic Deoptimization, pp. 1:1-26, PDF, DOI. Volume 15, no. 2 (March 2016)