A Quantitative SWOT-TOWS Analysis for the Adoption of Model-Based Software Engineering
By: María-José Escalona, Nora Parcus de Koch, Gustavo Rossi
Enterprises’ trend to low-code development revives model-based software engineering (MBSE) since several low-code platforms are based on the principles of model-based design, automatic code generation, and visual programming. Changes in an enterprise’s software development process, however, always require strategic planning. To find an appropriate strategy, we present an analytical tool for identifying and evaluating strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats factors for the adoption of MBSE. This tool provides a SWOT-TOWS analysis supplemented by a quantitative evaluation of strategies based on a multiple-criteria decision technique drawing on the knowledge of industry experts. Our analytical tool is general so it can be used in the industrial context for making other strategic decisions.
Model-Based Software Engineering, Model-Driven Engineering, SWOT Analysis, TOWS strategies, Analytic Hierarchy Process.
Cite as:
María-José Escalona, Nora Parcus de Koch, Gustavo Rossi, “A Quantitative SWOT-TOWS Analysis for the Adoption of Model-Based Software Engineering”, Journal of Object Technology, Volume 21, no. 4 (October 2022), pp. 4:1-15, doi:10.5381/jot.2022.21.4.a9.
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