On JOT Special Sections
It has been almost six months since the JOT Editor-in-Chief, Oscar Nierstrasz, asked me to take care of the JOT Special Sections. It was, I remember, in Zurich, while attending yet another interesting TOOLS conference, and one of the first questions that came to my mind was: Why should anybody want to organize a special section for JOT? Trying to answer this question motivated me to look for the real raisons d'ĂȘtre for JOT sections, to find out their distinguishing features, and to identify the major advantages they could bring to the community working on Object Technologies. As I soon realized, two of the major advantages of JOT, when compared to other publishing venues, are its timeliness and quality. And they are both essential properties of Special Sections, as we shall see below.
Special Sections
Cite as:
Antonio Vallecillo, “On JOT Special Sections”, Journal of Object Technology, Volume 10, (2011), doi:10.5381/jot.2011.10.1.e5.
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