Semantic Annotation for Java

By: Douglas Lyon


Semantic annotation enables consistency in GUI construction. Consistency can have both positive and negative side effects. On the positive side, consistency enables a style rule to be implemented and followed in an automatic fashion. On the negative side, all the GUI elements tend to look alike. As more and more powerful annotations migrate toward the business logic, the temptation is to make the annotation resemble a GUI programming language written as a data structure. Once this occurs, the annotation becomes more like GUI annotation, rather than semantic annotation. The question of how GUI annotation can (or even if) it should be used as a means of enhancing GUI construction, remains open.

Cite as:

Douglas Lyon, “Semantic Annotation for Java”, Journal of Object Technology, Volume 9, no. 3 (May 2010), pp. 19-29, doi:10.5381/jot.2010.9.3.c2.

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