WCF: A Case Study Involving a Distributed Client/Server Game

By: Richard Wiener


Some of the benefits of SOA messaging include: (1) cross-platform integration in which each platform works with its native data types, (2) asynchronous “fire and forget” communication without the client and server having to wait for each other, (3) Security provided by messages containing a security context involving authentication and authorization. The case-study presented in this paper focuses on a simple Windows Form client-server intranet distributed game in which communication (messages) originate from the client and are directed at the server which then returns information to the client. A TCP connection will be used to provide the protocol for communication between the client and server computers on the same local area network.

Cite as:

Richard Wiener, “WCF: A Case Study Involving a Distributed Client/Server Game”, Journal of Object Technology, Volume 8, no. 2 (March 2009), pp. 71-90, doi:10.5381/jot.2009.8.2.c6.

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