First Person Shooter Game
By: Rex Cason II, Erik Larson, Jonathan Robertson, Jonathan Frisch, George Trice III, Lakshmi Prayaga
Every decent model editor supplies functionality to create models, perform animations, and specify textures for the polygons of the model. The only real difference between them is additional features. Only once model editing becomes a second nature to someone should they begin to worry about the additional features that can be used for model creation.
Cite as:
Rex Cason II, Erik Larson, Jonathan Robertson, Jonathan Frisch, George Trice III, Lakshmi Prayaga, “First Person Shooter Game”, Journal of Object Technology, Volume 7, no. 6 (July 2008), pp. 25-39, doi:10.5381/jot.2008.7.6.c5.
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