Designing and Weaving Aspect-Oriented Executable UML Models

By: Lidia Fuentes, Pablo Sánchez


Aspect-Oriented technologies, including Aspect-Oriented Modelling, provide a set of new constructs (e.g., advices or pointcuts), that help to improve the modularisation of crosscutting concerns. However, these new constructions can make it more difficult to understand how a system works as a whole, once all design modules are composed together, because: (1) designers may not be familiar with the new aspect-oriented constructions; and/or (2) aspect-orientation may cause new problems, such as the handling of aspect interactions. A straightforward and simple solution to check how a system works is to execute it. UML and its Action Semantics provide the foundations for modelling and executing object-oriented software systems. This paper presents a UML 2.0 Profile which extends the UML and its Action Semantics for the construction of aspect-oriented executable models and also a model weaver which makes the execution of such models possible. Our approach is illustrated using an Online Book Store system taken from the literature.

Cite as:

Lidia Fuentes, Pablo Sánchez, “Designing and Weaving Aspect-Oriented Executable UML Models”, Journal of Object Technology, Volume 6, no. 7 (August 2007), pp. 109-136, doi:10.5381/jot.2007.6.7.a5.

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