Minimalist and Intuitive User Interface Design Guidelines for Consumer Electronics Devices

By: Won Kim, Seonghoon Kang


People today come in contact with many consumer electronics (CE) devices in their daily lives. CE devices have become increasingly complex with added functionality; devices from different vendors provide different user interfaces for the same functionality; similar devices from the same vendor provide different user interfaces for common functionality. As a result, usability of CE devices has become a serious challenge for most users. In this paper, we put forth design guidelines for making user interfaces for CE devices easy to understand for most everyday users.

Cite as:

Won Kim, Seonghoon Kang, “Minimalist and Intuitive User Interface Design Guidelines for Consumer Electronics Devices”, Journal of Object Technology, Volume 6, no. 3 (March 2007), pp. 39-52, doi:10.5381/jot.2007.6.3.c5.

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