A Taxonomy of OO Classes to Support the Mapping of Testing Techniques to a Class

By: Peter J. Clarke, Brian A. Malloy


The trend in the development of large scale object-oriented systems has shifted toward testable, robust models, with a focus on the prevention of faults and system failure. One process that supports the construction of robust software is testing. An advantage of software testing is the relative ease with which some of the testing activities can be performed, such as executing the program using a given set of inputs, or test cases, and then comparing the generated output to the expected output.

Cite as:

Peter J. Clarke, Brian A. Malloy, “A Taxonomy of OO Classes to Support the Mapping of Testing Techniques to a Class”, Journal of Object Technology, Volume 4, no. 5 (July 2005), pp. 95-115, doi:10.5381/jot.2005.4.5.a2.

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