On Getting Use Cases and Aspects to Work Together

By: Renaud Pawlak, Houman Younessi


Aspect orientation (AO) as an underlying logical model deduced from Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) is attracting attention and gaining in popularity. A number of authors have recently written about how ideas of aspect orientation might be used in connection or in conjunction with existing modeling techniques or technologies in order to enhance the capabilities of the latter. In a recent JOT article Ivar Jacobson writes about the relationship between use cases and AOP claiming essentially that the two can be viewed as equivalent. As investigators who have been working on similar ideas for some time, the authors take the opportunity to provide a constructive critique of what such comparisons need to entail and where the critical issues lie.

Cite as:

Renaud Pawlak, Houman Younessi, “On Getting Use Cases and Aspects to Work Together”, Journal of Object Technology, Volume 3, no. 1 (January 2004), pp. 15-26, doi:10.5381/jot.2004.3.1.c2.

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