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Stepwise Refinement Validation of Design Patterns Formalized in TLA+ using the TLC Model Checker

Toufik Taibi, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Western Ontario London N6A5B9, Ontario, Canada
Ángel Herranz, Babel Group, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Campus de Montegancedo s/n, Boadilla del Monte 28660, Spain
Juan José Moreno-Navarro, Babel Group, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid & IMDEA-Software, Campus de Montegancedo s/n, Boadilla del Monte 28660, Spain


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Despite being around for only a little more than a decade, design patterns have proved to be successful reuse artifacts. However, the fact that they are mostly described informally gives rise to ambiguity and hinders correct usage. This paper discusses how to formally specify the "solution element" of patterns using TLA+, the formal specification language of Temporal Logic of Actions (TLA). The focus is first on formally specifying the most abstract version of a pattern before validly doing stepwise refinements by adding more details along the way until reaching a concrete implementation. Checking that the refinement properties hold was done using TLC — the TLA+ model checker.

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About the authors


Toufik Taibi received his PhD from Multimedia University, Malaysia in 2003. He is currently a post-doctoral fellow at the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Western Ontario, Canada. Prior to that he was Assistant Professor at United Arab Emirates University, UAE. Dr. Taibi has more than 16 years of combined teaching, research and software industry experience. His research interests include formal methods as it applied to software engineering, multi-agent systems and cooperative distributed systems. He can be reached at


Ángel Herranz is an associate professor of computer science and member of the Babel Research Group at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. He is a partner in Sistemas de Identificaci´on Giro, an electronic engineering start-up. His research interests include formal aspects of software development, assisted and automatic program derivation and programming languages. He can be reached at

  Juan José Moreno-Navarro received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the Technical University of Madrid in 1989. Since 1996 he is full professor at its Department of Computer Science, where he leads the research group Babel, focused on high-quality software development through the use of declarative technology. Currently he is also Deputy Director of IMDEA-Software (Madrid Research Institute for Software Technologies). His research lines cover all the topics related to declarative technology and software development. He can be reached at

Toufik Taibi, Ángel Herranz, Juan José Moreno-Navarro: "Stepwise Refinement Validation of Design Patterns Formalized in TLA+ using the TLC Model Checker", in Journal of Object Technology, vol. 8, no. 2, March-April 2009, pp. 137-161

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