AbstractThis paper is a synthesis about why and how some functional programming (FP) can be helpful from a program design point-of-view within mainstream object-oriented programming (OOP). We first introduce criteria to ensure that FP-oriented features give an effective functional/method granularity design level within OOP. Next, we list up and discuss the general techniques and design consequences of having such FP capabilities in OOP, i.e. code abstraction/factoring at a function level, generic iterator/loop implementations, operation compositions, sequence comprehensions, partial application and currying, reduction of the number of class definitions, name abstractions, and function-based structural compatibilities. We also stress some of the difficulties of blending FP constructs with OOP, by pointing out potential problems related to design granularity mismatch, architecture non-uniformity and datatype incoherences. Several classic OOP design patterns are analyzed, since FP techniques make alternative implementations manageable: basic cases like Strategies, Commands and Observers, but also Proxies (using functional-based evaluation control) and Visitors (using functional data-driven programming). This synthesis is illustrated with C# 3.0 which offers effective FP-oriented features - based on delegates -, but also by using comparisons with other cross-paradigm languages.
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About the author
Ph. Narbel: "Functional Programming at Work in Object-Oriented Programming", in Journal of Object Technology, vol. 8, no. 6, September-October 2009, pp. 181-209 http://www.jot.fm/issues/issue_2009_09/article5/ |