Assembling Scenario Patterns for Checking Model Behavior

By: Nisha Desai, Martin Gogolla


Model validation and verification are crucial tasks in model-driven software engineering. For checking behavioral model properties, operation call sequences, i.e., dynamic scenarios, can be used, and developers must identify relevant scenarios. Dependent on the model under consideration, many different dynamic scenarios must be taken into account for comprehensive model testing, and it is a challenging task to identify them. In order to give advice and to develop guidelines for constructing dynamic scenarios, we assemble a catalogue of different scenario patterns that can be applied in all models. We explain the catalogue applicability through a collection of exemplary models and validate our proposal through a study conducted with UML and OCL experts.


Behavioral model validation and verification, Test case, Scenario pattern

Cite as:

Nisha Desai, Martin Gogolla, “Assembling Scenario Patterns for Checking Model Behavior”, Journal of Object Technology, Volume 19, no. 2 (July 2020), pp. 19:1-27, doi:10.5381/jot.2020.19.2.a19.

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