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Inheriting Multiple and Repeated Parts in Timor

J. Leslie Keedy, Christian Heinlein and Gisela Menger, University of Ulm, Germany


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The paper describes one aspect of multiple inheritance in the Timor programming language, viz. how "parts" such as a type Radio and a type Cassette Player can be inherited, where appropriate repeatedly, in subtypes such as a Radio Double Cassette Player. Because such types can also be defined via aggregation the paper begins by comparing inheritance with aggregation. It then shows how such cases can be handled first at the type level and then at the implementation level in Timor.


Multiple inheritance can be used to model a number of different situations. Some cases involve a common abstract ancestor (e.g. variants of a type Collection, such as Set, Bag or List) or a common concrete ancestor (e.g. variants of a type Person with multiple roles, such as a type EmployedStudent), while others involve inheritance of separate "parts" (e.g. a type RadioCassettePlayer inheriting from a type Radio and a type CassettePlayer). Sometimes repeated inheritance can be appropriate (e.g. a DoubleDegreeStudent or a DoubleCassettePlayer), and repeated inheritance can be combined with other forms of multiple inheritance (e.g. DoublyEmployedStudent, RadioDoubleCassettePlayer). The situation can be further complicated by the fact that the behaviour of some methods of one or more base types might need to be redefined, and also one or more of the types might have different implementations. Given this multiplicity of aims it is perhaps not surprising that not all OO languages provide mechanisms which adequately cover all the requirements.

In this paper we describe the mechanisms which handle "parts" inheritance provided in the language Timor1. Timor is a new OO language currently being developed at the University of Ulm with the primary aim of facilitating the development of programs and applications using existing components which can be separately designed and developed without knowledge of each other.

As a first step in this direction Timor distinguishes type definitions (introduced by the keyword type) from their implementations (keyword impl), cf. [3, 4]. An implementation, unlike a class in the conventional OO paradigm, is not a type. A type can have multiple implementations and these can re-use other implementations. There is an implicit mechanism for using default implementations of types.

The separation of types and their implementations leads in turn to a separation of subtyping and the re-use of existing implementations. Subclassing (code inheritance) is abandoned in favour of a more general technique which allows existing implementations of the same or of a different type to be re-used in an implementation of a type. With the help of this technique Timor can reverse the subclassing relationship, such that a base type (e.g. Queue) can be implemented by re-using any implementation of its derived type (e.g. DoubleEndedQueue), cf. [3]. One advantage of this approach is that the information hiding principle [11] is naturally upheld. Timor's approach with respect to multiple inheritance involving a common abstract ancestor is described in [4]. Since [4] and [3] were written some ideas have been refined and syntactic improvements have been made to Timor. However, the essence of the papers remains valid. The new syntax is explained and used in this paper.

Because aggregation can be seen as an alternative to parts inheritance, section 2 describes aggregation in Timor, while section 3 discusses the relationship between aggregation and inheritance. Section 4 then turns to inheritance as such, briefly describing the structure of types and their implementations. Because repeated inheritance is regarded as fundamental, section 5 describes how it is handled in Timor at the type level; the section concludes by describing how colliding methods from unrelated ancestors can be handled. In section 6 implementation inheritance is presented, using the revised Timor syntax. Section 7 discusses related work and section 8 concludes the paper. Diamond inheritance is discussed in a companion paper [6].


In Timor the types Radio and CassettePlayer might be defined as follows:

To create a type whose instances combine the features of both types aggregation can be used, e.g.

Because Timor rigorously adheres to the information hiding principle, this type definition uses abstract variables which can in the present example be considered as a shorthand notation for the following2:

A programmer of the new type does not have to provide an explicit implementation of the methods corresponding to the aggregated items. If the programmer simply includes a corresponding concrete variable in his code, i.e.

the compiler automatically adds a standard implementation, along the following lines:

If a type definition consists only of aggregated variables (i.e. it corresponds to a struct or record), the compiler produces a standard implementation for the entire type, e.g.:

However, the implementation programmer can, if he chooses, take advantage of the information hiding principle by implementing the set and get methods in some other way, and where appropriate can also use different data structures [5].

Despite this mechanism a client programmer sees no noticeable difference from the normal OO paradigm. He can for example invoke the methods of the aggregated radio part of an instance of this type and he can assign a new value to it, e.g.

Such statements are interpreted by the compiler as method invocations, e.g.

The compiler can of course make optimisations, so that in the normal case there need be no loss of efficiency compared with aggregation in other languages.

It would violate the information hiding principle to allow references to internal variables of an object to exist outside the object (especially as equivalent concrete variables might not exist in a non-standard implementation of the type), so a statement in the C++ style such as

is not supported.


If individual types can be incorporated into a new type by aggregation, why should one wish to use inheritance as an alternative in such a case? What inheritance allows, but aggregation does not, are the following possibilities:

  1. If a subtype object (e.g. a radio double cassette player) has been assigned to a supertype reference (e.g. a radio), a client programmer can use a conditional downcast statement on that reference to gain access to the entire object.
  2. With inheritance the implementor of a derived type can override the methods associated with the part, but in the normal object oriented paradigm he cannot override the methods of an aggregated variable.
  3. With inheritance the methods of a part become methods of the derived type as a whole. When aggregation is used the aggregated variable also has to be named in order to invoke a method.

    On the other hand, if a part is inherited
  4. a new value cannot be assigned to it as if it were an aggregated variable and its value cannot be copied to another variable.

In other words, the two forms of modelling are by no means equivalent. How significant are the differences?

Polymorphic Use of Inherited Parts

The advantages of inclusion polymorphism [2] are well known and need not be repeated here. If the present example were defined in terms of inheritance, it would be possible to treat an object of type RadioDoubleCassettePlayer as if it were simply of type Radio or of type CassettePlayer by assigning a reference for the combined object to a reference variable of the appropriate type.

Furthermore it would be possible, using an appropriate downcast statement, to examine such a reference with the aim of accessing the device as a whole.

Overriding the Methods

In the example, the radio and the cassette player parts each have methods for switching the device on and off. With aggregation, the two parts remain from this point of view quite distinct components of the combined device, i.e. there are two separate devices under one cover, which have separate switches. With a good inheritance scheme the designer of the new type gains the freedom (without the compulsion) to merge such methods, so that for example a single switch turns both devices on/off. With the usual understanding of aggregation, such freedom does not exist (but see [10]).

Naming Parts

For the kind of example under discussion the fact that modelling by aggregation requires the parts to be individually named when a client invokes methods is not a serious hindrance. In fact the explicit naming of inherited parts can be an advantage, because it solves the naming problems which arise with repeated inheritance and with clashing method names.

Assigning Values to and from a Part

A new value can normally be assigned to an abstract variable in Timor by invoking the associated "set" method. However, this can be prevented by declaring the abstract variable as final, which has the effect that there is a "get" method but no "set" method. There is no way of preventing a "get" method from being invoked. This is conceptually equivalent to the way public fields are managed in Java, for example.

With inheritance the situation is different, in that inheritance does not normally provide a way of accessing the state of a supertype as if it were a variable with a separate value, and with good reason. To treat it in this way would imply that a supertype has a separable state within its subtype. But this notion frequently does not correspond to the kinds of situation in which inheritance is used. For example if a concrete subtype List is derived from an abstract supertype Collection, there is no notion that the List contains a Collection as a separate part. In such a case the inheritance of methods, not of state, is in the foreground. But even when the idea of inheriting state seems relevant (as in the inheritance of two CassettePlayer parts in a RadioDoubleCassettePlayer), there is no guarantee that these parts can be considered as totally separate. Normally the idea of inheritance is that the supertype becomes an integral part of the subtype, so that the copying of "values" of apparently separate parts is a dangerous notion. This is underlined by the fact that methods can be merged and redefined as part of the derived type's definition. What is the separate state of a CassettePlayer part of a DoubleCassettePlayer, for example, if the switch methods of the individual CassettePlayer parts are merged? Redefining methods implies changing their behaviour and this can imply the merging of part states.


Having established that inheritance and aggregation differ, we now turn to the issue of parts inheritance as such. Timor recognises two forms of type derivation, distinguished by the keywords extends (which is intended to signal the programmer's intention to define a behaviourally conform subtype [8]) and includes (which signals interface inheritance without subtyping). A type definition can include both forms of derivation, in which case the resulting type can be used polymorphically as a subtype of those types which it extends but not with respect to those which it includes. Because the structure of extends and includes sections are identical, includes sections are not discussed explicitly. The general structure of a derived type is:

An abstract type cannot be instantiated. It can have one or more implementations and at the type level it can predefine makers for its subtypes; these are distinguished by the keyword ThisType [4]. An implementation of an abstract type can also implement makers for re-use, but these cannot be directly invoked by clients.

The redefines and instance sections include only public methods. There is a fundamental difference between method redefinition (which can appear in redefines sections of type definitions and refers to the redefinition of behaviour), and code overriding (which is an implementation technique).

An implementation of a type has the following basic structure:

The instance section includes both public and private methods. The special overrides section described in earlier papers is no longer needed. As a result of a further simplification there is no separate reuses section. We shall see later how the idea of re-use can be expressed in the state section.

The order of the sections in a type definition and in an implementation can vary and any section can appear more than once.


In OO languages repeated inheritance is often neglected or totally ignored. This is sometimes regarded as unimportant, because in many cases aggregation can be used as an alternative. However, that is not a satisfactory solution, because, as discussed in section 3, aggregation and inheritance are really quite different in their effects. Hence repeated inheritance is treated as fundamental in the Timor design. In this respect it has an advantage over other object oriented languages: by separating types and implementations, these aspects of repeated inheritance can be managed separately. In this section we consider only type inheritance aspects of repeated parts inheritance.

Defining Repeated Parts

The naming issue which arises with repeated inheritance has influenced the structure of the clauses which appear in an extends section. Each clause involving repeated inheritance has the same basic form as the declaration of abstract variables in the instance section of a type definition (and the declaration of concrete variables in a state section of an implementation). Thus a type DoubleCassettePlayer defined using multiple inheritance has a similar appearance to aggregation, i.e.

Syntactically it differs from aggregation only in that the parts appear in an extends section rather than an instance section. Semantically it differs from aggregation in the ways described in section 3. Because repeated inheritance is involved, the identifiers cp1 and cp2 are essential for naming purposes. But they also convey the notion that state and the associated methods are replicated without implying that the part states are entirely separate (in contrast with aggregation). The degree of integration/separation is defined, from the client's viewpoint, not in the extends section, but in the redefines section, where, as we shall see shortly, methods can be merged.

When referring to one of the CassettePlayer parts, the client programmer uses the dot notation, as he would for an aggregated abstract variable, e.g.

Syntactically, the use of the dot notation here deliberately resembles that in the standard object oriented paradigm, but semantically cp1.switchOn is not an object with its method, but is rather the non-decomposable name of a method of dcp as such. Thus (in accordance with the information hiding principle [11]) the use of the dot notation does not imply that there is actually a variable cp1 in all implementations of the type (although there may be in some implementations). Rigorously applying the information hiding principle implies that the implementor of a type can implement the type in any way that he sees fit, provided that his implementation conforms with the specification. Formally the instance methods of DoubleCassettePlayer which need to be implemented are as follows:

and there is a default parameterless maker init().

Merging Individual Methods

As defined above, an instance of the type DoubleCassettePlayer can almost be regarded as two separate units which have been put into a single box. These parts can, for example, be switched on and off separately. However, a more integrated unit might be modelled such that its instances are activated by a single switching mechanism. At the type level this involves redefining the switching methods in such a way that the client sees only one such mechanism. But then he might need to have some further methods for determining the mode in which the device should be active. To do this he could define a type as follows:

The switching methods are here redefined in such a way that there is only one switching mechanism for the combined device. The syntax [cp1, cp2] lists the parts affected by the redefinition of a method. The corresponding method then no longer exists as separate methods for the listed parts, but is subsumed into a single method which does not have a "part" name, i.e. the device as a whole is switched on using a statement such as:

Hence the instance methods of the type IntegratedDoubleCassettePlayer are as follows:

and there is a default parameterless maker init().

Merging all the Methods of a View

Although the above syntax is relatively short, it does involve separately listing each method to be merged. Timor provides an interface definition mechanism, known as a view, which allows related sets of methods to be grouped together, e.g.

Views are groupings of instance methods which can usefully be incorporated into different types. They may be defined retrospectively, such that if all the methods defined in a view occur as instance methods of a pre-existing type a match occurs3. Thus the view Switchable matches the types Radio and CassettePlayer. In order to shorten redefinitions of methods and make them more easily intelligible, a redefines clause can rename all the methods of a view together. Thus the type IntegratedDoubleCassettePlayer could have been defined as follows:

Semantically this is equivalent to the method by method definition.

Polymorphic Use of Repeated Parts

If an object defined via repeated inheritance is assigned to a supertype variable which has the type of a repeated part, it is necessary to make clear which part is intended, i.e. which methods of the object are to be invoked polymorphically. To achieve this, the dot notation is used, as follows:

If a method associated with the part has been redefined, the method into which it has been merged is invoked polymorphically (using the dynamic scheduling mechanism) as if it were the original method of the supertype, as the following code illustrates.

Invoking merged methods polymorphically may not be appropriate, but the programmer can easily avoid this in relevant cases by defining parts in an includes clause rather than an extends clause.

The Cast Statement

Semantically objects, not their parts, are assigned polymorphically to variables of supertypes, as in other OO languages, so that although it appears that only a part has been assigned, the entire object dcp is actually assigned to the variable cp. Hence a conditional downcast can be used to gain access to other parts of the object, e.g.

This is the normal Timor cast statement. In the example the clause IntegratedDoubleCassettePlayer idcp would be selected, and the entire object would be accessible using the name idcp. However, in this form the programmer would not (easily) be able to determine which part had been assigned to cp. If this is important more specific clauses can be used in the cast statement, e.g.

In the example the second of these clauses would be selected, because the part used to assign the object to cp was cp2.

Casting takes repeated inheritance into account by supporting repetition, e.g.

A clause with square brackets indicates that the associated statements are repeated, i.e. if the object to which cp refers contains one or more CassettePlayer parts, they are executed for each matching part. (The Radio r statements are not repeated.)

In such cases it can be useful to execute not simply the code block for the first matching clause, but for example all the clauses which match. Hence the keyword as following the reference can be followed by a further keyword: firstof, anyof or allof, with the obvious meanings, whereby anyof non-deterministically selects any matching type. The default is firstof.

Non-repeated Parts

The idea that a base type can be given a part name is essential for repeated parts, but it can also be essential for identifying which methods of base types are to be merged, even for cases not involving repeated inheritance. Furthermore, the use of part names for non-repeated parts can sometimes add symmetry. For these reasons Timor allows part names to be provided for base type parts not involving repeated inheritance. To illustrate this, consider an IntegratedRadioDoubleCassettePlayer device:

which inherits from a type Radio as defined in section 2. Allowing a part name to be used in such a case not only allows appropriate methods to be redefined. It also allows clients to access the different parts uniformly.

Sometimes separate methods with identical signatures might be derived from different base types not involving repeated inheritance. This happens, for example, in a simple type RadioCassettePlayer defined without using part names, e.g.

because each base type has the Switchable methods, and the intention is to keep them separate. In this case they are not automatically merged as described in [4], because a view is not regarded as a common ancestor. A compile time error occurs if the names are not resolved in the type definition.

One way of keeping the methods separate is to give the two base types part names, but then the client is forced always to use part names. To give greater freedom in such situations Timor allows optional part names to be defined, as follows:

The client of such a type has the freedom to use part names or not, as it suits him, except in the case where this creates ambiguities. Thus he could write:

If a client assigns such an object to a view reference, this is potentially ambiguous, so he must use the appropriate part name, e.g.

From the implementor's viewpoint method names have no part name except where this would be ambiguous.

This technique can be used to handle entirely coincidental method collisions, such as arise in a type GraphicalCardDealer (cf. [1]), in which each of the base types CardDealer and GraphicalComponent have a parameterless method draw, with quite different semantics:

Here part names disambiguate the colliding methods. The result is two separate draw methods, which from the client's viewpoint can easily be distinguished as dealer.draw() and graphics.draw(). It would suffice for only one of the base types to be given a part name: the names of methods of the other would then simply be used without a part name.


Some key issues which must be understood about implementations in Timor are (a) that they are not themselves types, and (b) that each implementation must be a complete implementation of its type. However, a complete implementation does not necessarily mean a totally fresh implementation. At an earlier stage in the development of Timor a code re-use technique was proposed [3, 4] which permitted extensive re-use of existing code in a much more flexible manner than subclassing allows.

Following the crystallisation of ideas with respect to repeated inheritance the details of that re-use technique have been revised and simplified, without changing the basic concepts described in earlier papers. We begin with a simple example which was presented in [3] to illustrate how subclassing can be simulated. The extra notion now associated with the re-use technique, initially introduced to accommodate repeated inheritance, is that re-used code has a state, and so can be regarded as a variable in the state section. The effect of this change is that the mechanism has an interesting relationship with some forms of delegation, and we therefore motivate the discussion in this direction.

Relationship to Delegation

The standard OO code inheritance technique incrementally extends the code of a class in its subclass(es). This can be a problem if subclassing and subtyping do not match each other. One way of avoiding an undesirable type relationship while nevertheless re-using code in the standard OO paradigm would be to use delegation. In the following we see how Timor can improve on this approach.

In Timor a type DoubleEndedQueue might be derived from a type Queue by inclusion (not by extension, as that would imply a behavioural subtype relationship). Given an implementation of DoubleEndedQueue, this implementation could be re-used to implement Queue by declaring a DoubleEndedQueue as an internal variable (cf. delegation). We begin with the type definitions.

Let us assume that an implementation exists for DoubleEndedQueue which we want to re-use to implement Queue. This could be achieved in Timor as follows:

This has the nice property that any implementation of DoubleEndedQueue can be re-used, according to the normal rules of Timor. However, using delegation in this way is not only inefficient at run-time; it is also wasteful of programmer effort, because methods which in effect already exist in the implementation of DoubleEndedQueue have to be invoked indirectly via QueueImpl. Both these disadvantages can be eliminated, by providing a mechanism which allows the programmer to define that those methods associated with the variable deq which match the methods of Queue should in fact be treated directly as methods of Queue. This is in effect the mechanism which was defined in [3, 4], except that the re-used code was not defined as a variable but as a type. The matching rules are as defined in those papers.

Syntactically re-use variables are distinguished from other variables in the state section by prefixing them with a hat (^) symbol. As previously, more than one item can be re-used, and matching occurs in the order of the declarations. Here is how the example would actually appear in Timor:

In this case all the public methods of Queue can be matched in DoubleEndedQueue. A match is not sought if an interface method of the type being implemented is explicitly coded in the instance section of an implementation.

In the present example it would in principle be possible to re-use the maker defined in DoubleEndedQueue, but allowing makers to be matched leads to problems in the general case, e.g. when more than one re-use variable is involved. Consequently only instance methods can be matched.

Imitating Subclassing

The above example does not illustrate how subclassing can be imitated in cases where the subclass requires access to the internal variables and methods of the superclass. To achieve this we follow a variant of the same principle, this time allowing a declaration of a re-use variable to be defined in terms of a specific implementation rather than a type. This technique was also described in an earlier form in [3].

To illustrate this approach, we assume that an implementation ArrayQueue1 of Queue exists (cf. [3]). The aim is to extend this incrementally to provide an implementation of DoubleEndedQueue (cf. ArrayDEQ1 [3]) in the subclassing style, as follows:

As was envisaged for the original re-use technique, nominating an implementation for re-use gives access to the internal methods and state of that implementation. Because in the revised approach it appears as a re-use variable, no special "super" keyword or special syntax is necessary for accessing or overriding these. (Hence the earlier overrides section has also become redundant.)

To make the code less tedious to write and easier to understand, Timor also supports a Pascal-like with statement, e.g.

This allows the programmer to use internal names exactly as they appear in the implementation being re-used.

Implementing Repeated Inheritance

An important advantage of the revised Timor re-use technique is that it takes into account not only code re-use but also state re-use. This greatly simplifies the implementation of types which use repeated inheritance. We begin with a type RadioDoubleCassettePlayer:

which can be implemented as follows:

If a part name appears in a type definition, this is significant for interface method matching purposes. If an implementation variable uses an identifier which differs from a part name in the type definition, a match does not occur. But as the Queue example illustrates, a base type in a type definition which is unnamed can be matched with a re-use variable regardless of its identifier, as all variables in an implementation must have identifiers.

This example illustrates that a straightforward mapping can exist from each named part in a type definition to an implementation of that part, provided that it has a parameterless maker init(). If, as in the above example, the type consists entirely of named parts (and/or abstract variables) the compiler automatically produces a standard implementation of the entire type (named after the type with the standard suffix Impl).

Each implementation must be complete in itself. Consequently a derived type need not re-use existing implementations (and on the other hand a base type can re-use implementations of other types). Thus an implementor of RadioDoubleCassettePlayer can provide a completely fresh implementation. In this case all the public methods of the type have to be completely implemented. The new implementation must name all the methods unambiguously, e.g.

Using Redefined Methods

Even when public methods of a re-use variable have been redefined in a re-using type, these still exist internally as invocable methods. This is illustrated by a partial implementation of IntegratedRadioDoubleCassettePlayer, showing how its redefined switching methods might be implemented:


Eiffel [9] supports repeated inheritance primarily by allowing individual features to be renamed. There is no explicit support for the idea of "parts" which can be given separate identifiers. Consequently the replication of a part involves renaming each feature individually. Furthermore the introduction of arbitrary new names for features creates problems (which can be resolved in select clauses) that do not arise in Timor, where arbitrary renaming is avoided in favour of the qualification of existing names by means of part identifiers. Eiffel's use of repeated inheritance to imitate a "super" construct by renaming methods in the "super instance" and redefining and selecting them in the "subtype instance" is of course unnecessary in Timor.

Sather [13] distinguishes between subtyping and subclassing. At the subtyping level there is no renaming facility, so that methods with identical (or in some cases with contravariantly conform) signatures inherited from different supertypes are automatically merged. Although it appears to be possible repeatedly to inherit from the same supertype, this leads to the effect that the repeatedly inherited methods are merged. At the level of code re-use the code of multiple concrete classes can be included into another class and here renaming is possible. Repeated code inclusion leads to replication, and in this case clashing features must be individually renamed.

Theta [7], like Timor strictly separates types from their implementations. At the type level multiple inheritance is possible, and methods can be individually renamed. There is no concept equivalent to a part identifier. At the implementation level only one base class can be re-used, independently of type relationships. A parts concept does not occur at the type or implementation level.

Although C++ [14] supports multiple inheritance and repeated inheritance the latter can only occur indirectly, i.e. in conjunction with diamond inheritance. As the latter is the theme of a companion paper [6], a fuller discussion of C++ diamond inheritance, including the nomination of base classes as virtual, is discussed there. However, it is of particular interest to the present paper that a client must resolve the names of conflicting methods by qualifying them with the names of the classes in which they are defined. In contrast, by allowing the definer of a type to qualify conflicting methods with freely chosen part identifiers Timor can handle repeated inheritance in an unproblematic way.

Java [1] supports multiple inheritance only at the type level (via interfaces) and provides no explicit support for repeated inheritance. Because multiply inherited methods with identical signatures are automatically merged, even simple arbitrary collisions create a problem.

Timor's separation of types and implementations allows these aspects of inheritance to be handled orthogonally. As was indicated in section 6 re-use variables can be seen as an efficient mechanism for some cases of delegation, and they can be used either to imitate subclassing or to reverse subclassing. The latter has the advantage that it is easier to conform with the information hiding principle, with the consequence that in Timor any implementation of an appropriate type can be "re-used" to implement another, independently of type relationships. This approach derives from the re-use technique proposed by Schmolitzky in [12], but differs from his proposal by adding the idea of state to the re-use technique, thus opening the way for a straightforward implementation of the kind of repeated inheritance discussed in this paper, and simplifying the constructs needed, e.g. by making special support for "super" superfluous (which is especially helpful in the context of multiple and repeated implementation inheritance).

Re-use variables superficially resemble the delegation technique used in prototype based languages. In each case "missing" interface methods are supplied from variables declared within the implementation. However, the differences are overwhelming. In Timor this is merely an implementation technique, not affecting type relationships; re-use variables are implemented by value, not by pointer; the search for methods occurs at compile-time, not at run-time; the search is not recursive, etc.


This paper has presented the Timor approach to parts inheritance and repeated parts inheritance. This is characterised by the idea that individual inherited parts of a subtype can be provided with part identifiers. This technique, which to our knowledge does not appear in other OO languages, has at least the following advantages:

  1. Members of repeated parts can be unambiguously qualified using a part name.
  2. Individual members of parts with part names can easily be combined (optionally) into a single member of the subtype.
  3. At the implementation level the part names can appear as re-use variable identifiers, thus simplifying the implementation of types defined in terms of repeated inheritance. This also eliminates the need for a "super" construct and the naming problems to which this gives rise for multiple code inheritance.

In [4] we argued that different kinds of multiple inheritance are best handled by different mechanisms. In that paper we then concentrated on multiple inheritance from a common abstract ancestor, which has more in common with conventional type inheritance in OO languages. The relationship between that approach and the parts approach described in this paper, and in particular the issues which appear when they are combined, arise typically in cases of diamond inheritance from a common concrete ancestor. For example a base type Person might be specialised in different orthogonal ways (e.g. as a Student and as an Employee), and these can then be brought together to create a type EmployedStudent. This can also involve repeated inheritance (e.g. a DoublyEmployedStudent). In such cases some of the elements of both forms of multiple type inheritance discussed earlier occur in combination. These issues are discussed in a companion paper [6].


Special thanks are due to Dr. Mark Evered and Dr. Axel Schmolitzky for their invaluable contributions to the ideas which have been taken over from earlier projects. Without their ideas and comments Timor would not have been possible.


1 see

2 Abstract variables are discussed in greater detail in [5], where the implications of nested abstract variables are examined.

3 Although a view can basically be considered as equivalent to a type, it is not regarded as a type with respect to the rules for handling common ancestors in multiple inheritance, see [6].



[1] K. Arnold, J. Gosling, and D. Holmes, The Java Programming Language, Third Edition. Addison-Wesley, 2000.

[2] L. Cardelli and P. Wegner, "On Understanding Types, Data Abstraction and Polymorphism," Computing Surveys, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 471-522, 1985.

[3] J. L. Keedy, G. Menger, and C. Heinlein, "Support for Subtyping and Code Re-use in Timor," 40th International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS Pacific 2002), Sydney, Australia, 2002, Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology, vol. 10, pp. 35-43.

[4] J. L. Keedy, G. Menger, and C. Heinlein, "Inheriting from a Common Abstract Ancestor in Timor," Journal of Object Technology, vol. 1, no. 1, May 2002, pp. 81-106.

[5] J. L. Keedy, G. Menger, and C. Heinlein, "Taking Information Hiding Seriously in an Object Oriented Context," Net.ObjectDays, Erfurt, Germany, 2003, pp. 51-65.

[6] J. L. Keedy, G. Menger, and C. Heinlein, "Diamond Inheritance and Attribute Types in Timor", in Journal of Object Technology, vol. 3, no. 10, November-December 2004, pp. 121-142.

[7] B. Liskov, D. Curtis, M. Day, S. Ghemawat, R. Gruber, P. Johnson, and A. C. Myers, "Theta Reference Manual," MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, Cambridge, MA, Programming Methodology Group Memo 88, February 1994.

[8] B. Liskov and J. M. Wing, "A Behavioral Notion of Subtyping," ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, vol. 16, no. 6, pp. 1811-1841, 1994.

[9] B. Meyer, Eiffel: the Language. New York. Prentice-Hall, 1992.

[10] M. Mezini, "Dynamic Object Evolution without Name Collisions," ECOOP '97, 1997, Springer Verlag, LNCS, vol. 1241, pp. 190-219.

[11] D. L. Parnas, "On the Criteria To Be Used in Decomposing Systems into Modules," Communications of the ACM, vol. 15, no. 12, pp. 1053-1058, 1972.

[12] A. Schmolitzky, "Ein Modell zur Trennung von Vererbung und Typabstraktion in objektorientierten Sprachen (A Model for Separating Inheritance and Type Abstraction in Object Oriented Languages)," Ph.D. Thesis, Dept. of Computer Structures: University of Ulm, Germany, 1999.

[13] D. Stoutamire and S. Omohundro, "The Sather 1.1 Specification," International Computer Science Institute, Berkley, CA ICSI Technical Report TR-96-012, 1996.

[14] B. Stroustrup, The C++ Programming Language, Third Edition. Addison Wesley, 1997.


About the author

J. Leslie Keedy is Professor and Head, Department of Computer Structures, University of Ulm, Germany, where he leads the Timor language design and the Speedos operating design groups. His email address is His biography can be visited at

Gisela Menger received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Ulm in 2000. Currently she works as a scientific assistant in the Department of Computer Structures at the University of Ulm. Her research interests include programming language design and software engineering. Her email address is

Christian Heinlein received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Ulm in 2000. Currently, he works as a scientific assistant in the Department of Computer Structures at the University of Ulm. His research interests include programming language design in general, especially genericity, extensibility and non-standard type systems. His email address is

Cite this article as follows: Leslie Keedy, Christian Heinlein, Gisela Menger: "Inheriting Multiple and Repeated Parts in Timor", in Journal of Object Technology, vol. 3, no. 10, November-December 2004, pp. 99-120.

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