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How to get a Singleton in Eiffel?

Karine Arnout, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland
Éric Bezault, Axa Rosenberg, U.S.A.

space TOOLS USA 2003

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Can the Singleton pattern [Gamma95] be turned into a reusable component? To help answer this question, we have reviewed existing implementations and tried to improve them. This article explains the difficulties of having a single-instance class in Eiffel and proposes language extensions, namely once creation procedures, which would be satisfactory in most cases, or frozen classes.


Achieving reusability in software is one of the core goals of object technology and key aspect of software quality. “Quality through components” [Arnout02] should be the motto for all software programmers. However, much code is still written anew whenever a new project starts without benefiting from previous similar developments.

This is particularly true for design patterns [Gamma95] [Vliss98]. Most existing implementations are just possible ways to get the pattern in a particular context and a given example. But an example — or a template — is not a reusable library. One should pursue a higher degree of reuse and examine whether the pattern mechanism could be provided in a component that clients could reuse off-the-shelf and just focus on the implementation part that is specific to their applications.

The Eiffel event library [Arslan03] [Meyer03], which provides the subscription/notification mechanisms of the Observer design attern, shows that building reusable components from design patterns is not a pure utopia.

The rest of this presentation focuses on one “creational design pattern” [Gamma95]: the Singleton. First we examine existing attempts to implement the Singleton pattern, and discuss their limitations; then we propose an extension to the Eiffel language that would facilitate writing singletons in Eiffel:

Section 2 focuses on the Singleton pattern: it describes the difficulty (even impossibility) to obtain single-instance classes in current status of the Eiffel programming language with concrete examples.

Section 3 proposes to loosen the existing creation clause rule of Eiffel to allow once creation procedures, supplies an appropriate semantics, and discusses the limitations of such a solution.

Section 4 explores a language extension that already exists in Eiffel for .NET, namely frozen classes.

Section 5 concludes with an assessment of the analysis performed and gives further research directions.

The analysis reported here is part of a broader research plan of trying to turn design patterns described in the Design Patterns book [Gamma95] (at least some of them) into reusable components.


The Singleton pattern

The intent of the Singleton pattern is to “ensure a class only has one instance, and provide a global point of access to it” ([Gamma95], p 127).

The following diagram shows the classes involved in the Singleton pattern and the relationships between them ([Jézéq99], p 79):

Fig. 1: Class diagram of the Singleton Pattern

Note that class SHARED_SINGLETON was called SINGLETON_ACCESSOR in [Jézéq99]. We changed its name to better comply with well accepted Eiffel naming conventions.

How to get a “Singleton” in Eiffel

The Design Patterns book [Gamma95] explains with C++ examples how difficult it may be to ensure that a class has no more than one instance. C++ uses static functions for that purpose. Since Eiffel does not have static features, we need to explore another way: once routines.
Although the Eiffel programming language natively includes a keyword — once — which guarantees that a function is executed only once (subsequent calls return the same value as the one computed at first call), the implementation of the Singleton pattern is not trivial.

Note that once routines are executed once in the whole system not once per class.

The Design Patterns and Contracts book [Jézéq99] tries but fails [JézéqErr] to provide a solution. Let’s examine the proposed scheme to identify what was wrong with it and attempt to correct it.

The Design Patterns and Contracts solution

Here is the approach suggested in [Jézéq99]: Make a class inherit from SINGLETON (Fig. 2) to specify that it can only have one instance thanks to its invariant and provide a global access point to it through a class SHARED_SINGLETON (Fig. 3).

Fig. 2: Class SINGLETON

Fig. 3: Class SHARED_SINGLETON (Access point to SINGLETON)

In fact, as explained in the errata of the book [JézéqErr], such an implementation does not work: it allows only one singleton per system. Indeed, if one inherits from class SINGLETON several times, the feature the_singleton (Fig. 2), because it is a once function inherited by all descendant classes, would keep the value of the first created instance, and then all these descendants would share the same value. This is not what we want because it would violate the invariant of SINGLETON in all its descendant classes except the one for which the singleton was created first.

One would need “once per class semantics to create singletons as suggested by the book. Since the concept does not exist in Eiffel, [one] then [has] to copy all the code that is in SINGLETON to [one’s] actual singletons” [JézéqErr].

The last sentence by Jean-Marc Jézéquel suggests writing a “singleton skeleton” in Eiffel. We will now examine this approach.

Singleton “skeleton”

Fig. 4 shows a possible “skeleton” for the singleton pattern:

Fig. 4: Singleton skeleton


Fig. 5: Class SINGLETON used by the Singleton skeleton (wrong solution)

What’s wrong with this implementation?

In spite of the name is_real_singleton, this code does not provide a “real” singleton. Declaring singleton as a once function does ensure that any call to this function returns the same object, but nothing prevents the program from creating another instance of class SINGLETON somewhere else in the code, which breaks the whole idea of a singleton.

Having an invariant in class SINGLETON to detect attempts to create a singleton twice is not a proper solution either. The problem is that, in debugging mode, even though the invariant will catch errors at run-time when the singleton pattern is violated, clients of class SINGLETON have no means to ensure that this invariant will never be violated (they cannot test for it as they can do for a precondition before calling a routine), which reveals a bug in the implementation of the class. The Design by Contract™ method gives the following definition of class correctness ([Meyer92], p 128; [Meyer97], p 370):

Fig. 6: Definition of class correctness

A violation of {Defaultc and prep (xp)} or {prer (xr) and INV} is the manifestation of a bug in the client.

A violation of {postp (xp) and INV} or {postr (xr) and INV} is the manifestation of a bug in the supplier.

How is class correctness related with this singleton implementation?

The definition of the singleton pattern given in [Gamma95] (p 127) states that the corresponding class should have at most one instance, which means that we want to prevent creating more than one such object. In other words, as a client of class SINGLETON, I want to know whether the instruction:

  create s.make



is valid before calling it, hence I want to write code like:

The problem with class SINGLETON is that it provides no way to ensure the condition is_valid_to_create_a_new_instance before calling Bodyp. Since we are dealing with creation routines, the relevant rule for assessing class correctness is C1. We will get a violation of INV (on the right hand side of the formula) if we create a second instance of the class. This indicates a bug in the class SINGLETON itself, not in the client of the class.

Note that restricting access of the creation procedure of SINGLETON to class SHARED_SINGLETON would still not ensure correctness since one can inherit from SHARED_SINGLETON — and this is the expected way to use SHARED_SINGLETON to get access to feature singleton — and then call a creation procedure on SINGLETON at will. A possible solution — although not perfect because it violates the Open-Closed principle, [Meyer97] p 57-61 — is to use frozen classes (classes from which one cannot inherit) as we describe later (see section 4), but the current version of Eiffel does not authorize them (it only allows frozen features).

Besides, relying on the evaluation of invariants to guarantee the correctness of a class is not good design: a program should behave the same way regardless of the assertion monitoring level.

Tentative correction: Singleton with creation control

Let’s try to correct the previous implementation and define a Boolean feature may_create_singleton in SINGLETON accessor (Fig. 7 and 8).

Fig. 7: Singleton with creation control (wrong solution)

Fig. 8: Accessor to singleton with creation control (wrong solution)

However, the feature may_create_singleton does not solve the correctness problem detailed earlier: it does not prevent from calling two creation instructions as in the following example (Fig. 9) and breaking our “singleton”.

Fig. 9: Class breaking the singleton with creation control

Indeed, MY_TEST does not call the once function singleton of class MY_SHARED_SINGLETON, which means that may_create_singleton is never set to False and both s1 and s2 get instantiated.

The important point here is that we have broken the “singleton skeleton” by just looking at the interface forms of classes MY_SINGLETON and MY_SHARED_SINGLETON and writing code that does not violate the Design by Contract principles (although it would violate an invariant when executed!).

The interface form of a class retains only specification-related information of the publicly available features: the signature of features (of both immediate and inherited features), the comments, and contracts (involving exported features only), namely what a client of the class needs to know about.

The Gobo Eiffel singleton example

Fig. 10 and 11 show a better approach to the “singleton pattern problem” in Eiffel. (It is a Gobo Eiffel Example [Gobo].)

Fig. 10: The Gobo Eiffel singleton example

Fig. 11: Accessor to the Gobo Eiffel singleton example

This implementation is still not perfect; one can still violate the invariant of class MY_SINGLETON by:

cloning a singleton — using feature clone or deep_clone from ANY;

using persistence — retrieving a “singleton” object that had been stored before (using the STORABLE mechanism of Eiffel or a database library);

inheriting from MY_SHARED_SINGLETON and “cheating” by putting back Void to the cell after the singleton has already been created. Note though that here one needs to access and modify non-exported features — in this case singleton_cell — to “break” the singleton implementation given above (Fig. 10 and 11), whereas one could “break” the code defined previously (Fig. 7, and 8) easily by looking only at the interface of the classes.

Besides, the use of the invariant

Current = singleton

is not fully satisfactory because it means that descendants of this class may not have their own direct instances without breaking this invariant.

Eiffel distinguishes between direct instances and instances of a type T, the latter including the direct instances of type T and those of any type conforming to T (i.e. its descendants) [Meyer92]. We think it should be the duty of the users of the Singleton library to decide when implementing a singleton whether there should be only one instance or only one direct instance of that type; it shouldn’t be up to the authors of the library to decide.

Finally, this code is not a library component: it is just an example implementing (or trying to implement) the singleton pattern.

Other tentative implementations

In a discussion in the comp.lang.eiffel newsgroup [Cohen01], Paul Cohen gives an interesting but somewhat overweight solution. The idea is that the singletons in system can register their instance by name in a registry. The Design Patterns book [Gamma95] calls it the “registry of singletons” approach (see 2. Subclassing the Singleton class, p 130). Fig. 12 gives the corresponding Eiffel implementation:

Fig. 12: A “registry of singletons”

Feature generating_type is defined in class ANY; it returns a string corresponding to the name of current object’s generating type (namely the type of which it is a direct instance). It is a feature of the Eiffel Library Kernel Standard (ELKS, see [Gobosoft] and appendix A of ETL3 [Meyer0?a]). However, class HASH_TABLE is not a standard Eiffel class (for example, SmartEiffel [Inria] does not define it).

Let’s write a descendant of class SINGLETON to understand how this “registry of singletons” works. A particular singleton implementation should look like the one shown in Fig. 13:

Fig. 13:A particular singleton in the “registry”

Each time a singleton gets created, it adds itself to the registry of singleton. The problem with this approach is that a client of MY_SINGLETON cannot test for the precondition of make before calling the routine: first, it does not have access to singletons_in_system; second, it does not know about the value of generating_type because the corresponding object has not been created yet.

Doug Pardee gives another possible implementation of the Singleton pattern in the Eiffel Forum [Pardee01], but it seems too complex to be reused effectively.


The unfruitful attempts reviewed so far illustrate how difficult it is to implement the singleton pattern in Eiffel, especially as a reusable library. In fact, it is not possible at all without violating the Design by Contract principles, namely a non-checkable invariant, even when controlling the creation of the singleton object because it can get involved in some cloning (clone/deep_clone) or in some persistence mechanisms (store/retrieve from STORABLE, or a database library).

Assuming we do not take clone and STORABLE into account, one solution could be to allow once creation procedures in Eiffel with a special semantics ensuring class correctness. That’s what we will review now.


We propose an extension to the Eiffel programming language that would allow declaring a creation procedure as a once-procedure — which is currently forbidden by the sixth clause of the “Creation Instruction rule”, [Meyer92] p 286. (This idea first appeared in the newsgroup comp.lang.eiffel in 2001 [Silva01].)


Let’s consider a creation instruction with target x, a creation reference type TC and a creation procedure make:

  x: TC
  create x.make

The semantics of the Creation instruction ([Meyer92], p 289) for a reference creation type TC is as follows:

  1. Allocate memory.
  2. Initialize the fields with their default values.
  3. Call the creation procedure make (to ensure the invariant).
  4. Attach the resulting object to the creation target entity x.

This semantics forbids the use of once-procedures as creation procedures. Indeed, with a once procedure, the first object created would satisfy the class invariant (assuming the creation procedure is correct), but subsequent creation instructions would not execute the call, and hence would limit themselves to the default initializations, which might not ensure the invariant.

But we could think of another semantics for the “Creation_instruction” when the creation procedure is a once-procedure (namely a procedure declared as once):

If the once creation procedure has not been called yet to create an object of the given type TC then create an object as indicated above (steps 1 to 4).

Otherwise attach to the creation target entity x the object which has been created by the first call to the once creation procedure for this type.

This new semantics would make it possible to write a Singleton pattern in Eiffel (Fig. 14 and 15) and would also simplify the implementation of shared objects.

Fig. 14: Class SINGLETON with once creation procedures

Fig. 15: Feature using a singleton (declared with a once creation procedure)

Another possible application would be in the field of graphical user interfaces to display error messages in the same window:

  (create {ERROR_WINDOW}).display (error_message)

default_create being declared as a once creation procedure.

For these examples to be valid, one should remove the sixth clause from the “Creation Instruction rule” ([Meyer92], p 286).

Open issues

Expanded creation type: It is not clear yet what should be the semantics when the creation type is expanded. Here is a possible solution:

  If the once creation procedure has not been called yet in a creation instruction/expression of creation type TC then apply steps 3 and 4 described above to the object attached to x.
  Otherwise do nothing.

Creation instruction and “onceness” status: Loosening the creation validity constraints ([Meyer92], p 286) to allow once creation procedures and applying the semantics described above would mean that a once-procedure has several “onceness” statuses (i.e. is it the first or a subsequent call?):

  when it is called as a regular procedure
  when it is called as a creation procedure (for each type for which it is declared as creation procedure).

Let’s consider an example to better understand the issue:

Fig. 16: Class A declaring a once creation procedure

Fig. 17: Descendant class B inheriting once creation procedure from A

Fig. 18: Feature using once creation procedure from classes A and B

If it is clear that a1 and a2 should be attached to the same object, and likewise for b1 and b2, however it is not the case of a1 and b1, which have two different creation types and thus cannot be attached to the same object. Therefore the “onceness” status of make should be per creation type. But make can also be called as a regular procedure:


Should we take into account whether make has already been called as a creation procedure or not in that case? In our opinion, the “onceness” of a procedure should be different when used as a creation procedure and when used as a regular procedure. Indeed, even if the once-procedure has already been called as a regular procedure, we still want the initialization of the object to be made properly when this procedure is called for the first time as part of a creation instruction:

create a2.make

Finally, we should probably combine all the above with the semantics of “once per thread”, “once per process”, etc. mentioned in section 8.6 of ETL3 [Meyer0?a].


Coming back to our discussion about the Singleton pattern, once creation procedures in Eiffel still would not completely solve the issues described in section 2; in particular:

  We would still have the problem of not being able to forbid the duplication of the singleton object with clone/deep_clone or STORABLE/databases.

  We would not have the global access point to the singleton as demanded by the definition of a singleton in the Design Patterns book ([Gamma95], p 127) although we can provide a SHARED_SINGLETON access with a once function per SINGLETON class.

Another approach would be to extend the notion of frozen features ([Meyer92], p 63) to frozen classes as it already exists in Eiffel for .NET. We will now review the pros and cons of this solution.


Eiffel: The Language ([Meyer92], p 63) defines the notion of frozen features, namely features that cannot be redefined in descendants (their declaration is final). By broadening the scope of final declarations from features to classes — as already done in the current implementation of Eiffel for .NET — it would become possible to implement a “real” singleton in Eiffel with a proper access point (as defined in [Gamma95], p 127) as a reusable component.


Eiffel features whose declaration starts with the frozenkeyword are final: they are not subject to redefinition in descendants. They are called “frozen features”.

The idea is to extend this notion to classes. The semantics of “frozen classes” is that one may not inherit from these classes, which as a consequence cannot be deferred (because they cannot have any descendants and could never be effected).

The only syntactical change to the Eiffel language would be the introduction of the keyword frozen on classes. The Header_mark defined in section 4.8 of [Meyer92] (p 50) should be extended to:

with the consequence that a class cannot be both frozen and deferred.

The keywords reference and separate do not appear in the first two versions of Eiffel; they are novelties of the third edition (see ETL3 [Meyer0?a], section 4.9, p 65).

Singleton library using frozen classes

Having frozen classes would enable writing a “singleton library” relying on two classes:

  A frozen class SHARED_SINGLETON (Fig. 19) exposing a feature singleton, which is a once function returning an instance of type SINGLETON.
  A class SINGLETON (Fig. 20) whose creation procedure make is exported to class SHARED_SINGLETON and its descendants only.

Fig. 19: Frozen class SHARED_SINGLETON (global access point to SINGLETON)

Fig. 20: Class SINGLETON

Typical use of the “Singleton library” would be to create a SHARED_SINGLETON to get one’s own unique instance, as in class MY_SHARED_SINGLETON written below (Fig. 21).

Fig. 21: Typical use of the “Singleton library”

Pros and cons of introducing frozen classes

Weak point:

  • The disadvantage of frozen classes is that it goes against the core principles of object-oriented development. Indeed, the Open-Closed principle ([Meyer97], p 57-61) states that a module should always be both closed (meaning usable by clients) and open (meaning it can be extended). Having frozen classes, which by definition cannot be redefined, violates this principle.

Strong points:

  • The main advantage of the last solution using frozen classes is that it provides a very straightforward way (introduction of just one keyword, frozen, with the appropriate semantics) to get a real singleton in Eiffel, including a global access point to it — which one could not have with the solution using once creation procedures.
  • Besides, there is no such problem as different once statuses depending on whether the same feature is called as a creation procedure or as a regular procedure.
  • On a lower level, having frozen classes would enable the compiler to perform code optimization, which it could not do for non-final classes.


This analysis has shown that implementing the Singleton pattern [Gamma95] as a reusable library in Eiffel is not feasible with the current definition of the language; an implementation like the Gobo Eiffel example [Gobo-Eiffel] is acceptable, but it is neither secure nor robust.

Among the two Eiffel language extensions suggested in this paper, the introduction of frozen classes is the most elegant and would lead to a straightforward way of writing “real” singletons in Eiffel (including a global access point). The main argument against authorizing frozen classes is that users may start using them excessively, which would violate the Open-Closed principle ([Meyer97], p 57-61); we believe it will not be the case. Indeed, Eiffel developers already have the possibility to declare features as “frozen” (meaning these features may not be redefined), but they use it only sparsely, in well-identified and justified cases. Besides, the utility of frozen classes is wider than just the implementation of the Singleton pattern; for example, it is already used in the .NET extension of the Eiffel language.

We think that extending Eiffel with frozen classes would provide an elegant way of writing real singletons in Eiffel. Nevertheless, it would not enable — at least we have not succeeded in — having reusable library components corresponding to the Singleton pattern.



[Arnout02] Karine Arnout. “Contracts and Tests”. Ph.D. research plan, ETH Zurich, December 2002.

[Arslan03] Volkan Arslan, Piotr Nienaltowski, and Karine Arnout. “Event library: an object-oriented library for event-driven design”. JMLC (Joint Modular Languages Conference), Klagenfurt, Austria, August 25-27, 2003.

[Cohen01] Paul Cohen. “Re: Working singleton implementation”. In newsgroup comp.lang.eiffel [online discussion group]. Cited 15 April 2001.

[Eiffel] Eiffel Forum: Singleton Pattern In Eiffel.

[Gamma95]Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides: Design Patterns. Addison-Wesley, 1995.

[Gobo] Gobo Eiffel Example: gobo-eiffel/gobo/example/pattern/singleton.

[Gobosoft] Gobosoft: The Eiffel Library Kernel Standard, 2001 Vintage.

[Inria] INRIA, Loria: Welcome to SmartEiffel! Home of the GNU Eiffel Compiler, Tools, and Libraries.

[Jézéq99] Jean-Marc Jézéquel, Michel Train, and Christine Mingins: Design Patterns and Contracts. Addison-Wesley, 1999.

[JézéqErr] Jean-Marc Jézéquel: Errata.

[Meyer92] Bertrand Meyer: Eiffel: The Language. Prentice Hall, 1992.

[Meyer94] Bertrand Meyer: Reusable Software: The Base Object-Oriented Component Libraries. Prentice Hall, 1994.

[Meyer97] Bertrand Meyer: Object-Oriented Software Construction, second edition. Prentice Hall, 1997.

[Meyer0?a] Bertrand Meyer: Eiffel: The Language, Third edition (in preparation).

[Meyer03] Bertrand Meyer. “The power of abstraction, reuse and simplicity: an object-oriented library for event-driven design”. In Festschrift in Honor of Ole-Johan Dahl, Eds. Olaf Owe et al., Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2635, 2003. Available from Accessed June 2003.

[Silva01] Miguel Oliveira e Silva. “Once creation procedures”. In newsgroup comp.lang.eiffel [online discussion group]. Cited 7 September 2001. See this URL.

[Pardee01] Doug Pardee. “Re: Once creation procedures”. In newsgroup comp.lang.eiffel [online discussion group]. Cited 8 September 2001. See this URL.

[Vliss98] John Vlissides: Pattern Hatching: Design Patterns Applied. Addison-Wesley, USA, 1998.



We gratefully acknowledge Bertrand Meyer (ETH Zurich & Eiffel Software Inc.) for his valuable comments and feedback on the paper. We are also thankful to Emmanuel Stapf (Eiffel Software Inc.), Mark Howard (Axa Rosenberg), and Dominique Colnet (LORIA), members of the standardization committee ECMA TC39-TG4 for fruitful discussions about once creation procedures and frozen classes.


About the authors

space Karine Arnout is Ph.D. student in the Chair of Software Engineering held by Prof. Dr. Bertrand Meyer at ETH Zurich. Her Ph.D. topic deals with contracts and tests. She is a member of the ECMA working group standardizing Eiffel and worked at Eiffel Software on porting Eiffel to .NET. She can be reached at
  Éric Bezault is a senior engineer at Axa Rosenberg, research center, USA. He is the leader of the Gobo Eiffel Project, which provides free and portable Eiffel tools and libraries. He has several years experience on Eiffel projects in the financial industry. He is member of the ECMA group standardizing Eiffel. He can be reached at

Cite this article as follows: Karine Arnout, Eric Bezault: “How to get a Singleton in Eiffel?”, in Journal of Object Technology, vol. 3, no. 4, April 2004, Special issue: TOOLS USA 2003, pp. 75-95.

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