
Dear Readers,

Richard Wiener,
Editor- in-Chief

Dave Thomas has again graced our pages with his column, “The Impedance ImperativeTuples + Objects + Infosets = Too Much Stuff!” As with all of Dave’s work, I believe that you shall find it provocative and insightful. Regular columns by James Odell, Donald Firesmith, Won Kim and Conrad Bock are joined by the guest columns by Osvaldo Pinali Doederlein and a short column by Francis Mossé. A book and software review round out the special features in this issue. The final column in my own series of columns is being prepared for the November/December issue.

This issue contains four feature-length papers dealing mainly with various aspects of UML. I think you shall find them interesting.

I welcome previous authors to contribute again and new authors to make their first contributions to JOT.


Kind regards,

Richard Wiener

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