

Dear Readers,

continuing the tradition started with OOPS (Object-Oriented Programming Languages) at SAC (Symposium on Applied Computing) 2004, this special issue hosts extended versions of papers already published in the ACM proceedings of SAC 2005.

The OOPS track promotes extensions and enhancements to the main-stream object-oriented languages and standard systems, and solicits contributions on design, theoretical, and architectural aspects covering a large spectrum of topics, including, programming abstractions, advanced type mechanisms and type safety, multi-paradigm features, language features in support of open systems, aspect-oriented and component-based programming, reflection, and program structuring and modularity.

At OOPS 2005 six papers were selected for publication and for presentation, with an acceptance rate around 37%; between them, four papers were selected and their authors were invited to submit a journal version. Furthermore, two other papers were selected from the PL (Programming Languages) track at the same conference, because of their relevance with respect to OOPS topics, and their interesting and original content.

The papers underwent a rigorous review process, and each was assigned to two expert reviewers whose main aim was to ensure the good quality of the papers, and the presence of some extra contribution with respect to the corresponding conference papers.

Last but not least, I am in debt to the authors who submitted their contributions, and grateful to the OOPS 2005 program committee and the external referees of the journal papers for their high quality reviews.
The third edition of OOPS special track at SAC 2006 will be held in Dijon, France, on April 13--17, 2006.

Kind regards,


Davide Ancona


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