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The Theory of Classification
Part 18: Polymorphism through the Looking Glass

Anthony J H Simons, Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield

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In this, the eighteenth article in a regular series on object-oriented type theory, we look at how object-oriented languages might evolve in the future, given that the formal notion of class is now better understood than at the outset. Object-oriented languages were the first family to suppose that there might be systematic sets of relationships between all the program data types and use this as the basis for a kind of type compatibility. However, the early formal models chosen were based on simple types and subtyping [1] and struggled in practice to support all the obvious, systematic relationships that programmers intuitively recognised [2]. For a while, objects were thought to have class and type independently, where class was demoted to a mere implementation construct. Later, it was realised that the notion of class is also a typeful construct that requires at least a bounded second-order -calculus model to explain it [3]. We have developed this model in the Theory of Classification, showing how it deals properly with typed inheritance [4, 5] and generic types [6] in a consistent framework.

However, current object-oriented languages fall short of what is actually possible in a language that really supports the notion of class. The majority still treat classes for the most part as if they were the same thing as simple types, and it only becomes clear that something more sophisticated is intended when dynamic binding in these languages is examined, showing dispatching behaviour equivalent to higher-order functions [7]. The additional template mechanisms of C++ and Java (from version 1.5) are intended partly to compensate for the lack of expressiveness caused by treating classes as simple types. But do we really need all these separate typing mechanisms? What would a language look like that consistently supported the higher-order notion of class throughout?


In the very first article of this series [8], we described three increasingly more flexible kinds of plug-in type compatibility, in the context of supplying a component to match an interface:

  • correspondence: the component is identical in type and its behaviour exactly matches the expectations made of it when calls are made through the interface;
  • subtyping: the component is a more specific type, but behaves exactly like the more general expectations when calls are made through the interface;
  • subclassing: the component is a more specific type and behaves in ways that exceed the more general expectations when calls are made through the interface.

An example of correspondence is the strong monomorphic typing exhibited in languages like Pascal or Modula-2, in which every object is of a single type and may only be passed to variables of exactly the same type. Pascal’s strong name equivalence rule means that even structurally equivalent types are considered distinct, if their type names are distinct (in contrast to C++’s typedefs, which are only aliases for the base type).

An example of subtyping is where a subrange object is coerced to a base type variable, so that the base type’s function may be executed, such as where two SmallInt objects are passed to an Integer plus function and the result is returned as an Integer. The function originally expected Integers, but could handle subtypes of Integer and convert them. Note that no dynamic binding is implied or required. Also, a simply-typed first-order calculus (with subtyping) is adequate to explain this behaviour.

An example of subclassing is where the functions of the interface are systematically replaced by functions appropriate to the new type, such as where a Numeric type’s abstract functions plus, minus, times and divide, are replaced by retyped versions for a Complex type. Rather than coerce a Complex object to a Numeric, the call to plus through Numeric executes the replacement Complex plus function. This could be achieved through dynamic binding; or alternatively through template instantiation (in which the parameter Numeric is replaced throughout by an actual Complex type), requiring at least a second-order calculus.

What are the important differences between the simple subtyping and subclassing approaches? In the subtyping approach, the Integer plus function treats its SmallInt arguments exactly as if they were plain Integers. It returns a result of the general type Integer and does not know or care whether the result is still in the range of a SmallInt. On the other hand, in the subclassing approach, there is an obligation to propagate type information about the actual argument and result types of Complex's plus back to the call-site. Whereas the interface expected a Numeric, once this was bound to a Complex number, the second argument was also forced to be a Complex number. Furthermore, the result-type, which was formerly Numeric, is now known also to be of the Complex type. This means that the caller of plus must know how to deal with more specific types than originally specified in the interface. From our point of view, this is exciting stuff, in the true spirit of classification, and something worth exploiting in the design of object-oriented languages.

However, the majority of languages only practise a halfway-house approach, which is subtyping with dynamic binding. This is similar to subtyping, except that the subtype may provide a replacement function that is executed instead. Recalling the earlier example, this is like the SmallInt type providing its own version of the plus function which wraps the result back into the SmallInt range. Syntactically, the result is acceptable as an Integer, but semantically it may yield different results from the original Integer plus function (when wrap-around occurs). From the type perspective, we still only know that the result is of the Integer type (rather than SmallInt) because there is no way of propagating type information about the actual arguments through to the result of the function. So, we have a situation where more specific functions are executed, but externally we cannot see that their type has changed. This gives rise to the phenomenon of “type loss” in C++ and Java, requiring corrective use of type downcasting to recover the most specific types of returned objects [2].


Stopping at the halfway house constitutes a failure of nerve in the design of object-oriented languages. At the heart of this problem is the inability to distinguish the notions of class and type in the syntax of programming languages. If an object-oriented language implemented this distinction properly, a programmer should never have to perform type downcasting, but the language could always recover the most specific types of returned objects for itself. To make this distinction absolutely clear, in the Theory of Classification:

  • a type always refers to a simple monomorphic type, a first-order construct;
  • a class always refers to a polymorphic type, a second-order (or higher) construct.

As stated previously [8], the term polymorphism has less to do with the dynamic binding of methods and properly describes the generalised types of variables that may receive values of more than one type. In conventional programming languages, we consider that type constructors, such as Stack[T] or Map[K,V] are polymorphic, because they contain type variables standing for possibly many types, and may be adapted to specific types by parameter instantiation. In object-oriented languages, we also consider that a variable of “class-type” is polymorphic and can be made to receive actual objects of possibly many types, where these are restricted by the class hierarchy to be of some “subclass-type” of the target variable. These polymorphic mechanisms seem on the surface to be quite different, but they are fundamentally the same.

In the -calculus, polymorphism always requires a type parameter, standing for the generalised type; and when a polymorphic variable binds to a specific type, this type is propagated into the parameter, throughout the whole parameterised expression. The formal model therefore brings together the notions of class-based polymorphism and template-based polymorphism. In earlier articles [2, 3], we deliberately drew out the similarity between classical Girard-Reynolds [9, 10] univeral polymorphism:

in which you could give functions truly generalised types (where ? ranges over absolutely any type) and Cook et al.’s [11, 12] function bounded polymorphism:

in which you could give functions class-types (where ranges over only those types which have at least the functions specified in the interface of the bounding generator function). F-bounded polymorphism is more general than universal polymorphism (since you can type more things using F-bounds, for example you can type SortedLists of Comparable elements with F-bounds, whereas you can only type plain Lists of universal elements, without them). This can be shown formally by recasting Girard-Reynolds polymorphism as a special case of F-bounded polymorphism:

That is, we constrain to range over those types which have at least the functions of the universal interface, but this interface is trivial (empty), so ranges again over any type.

There are two practical consequences of this discussion. The first is that, wherever a polymorphic variable is required in our programming language, we should always model its type using some kind of type parameter in the formal calculus. The fact that object-oriented languages don’t make the type parameters explicit for their classes is one of the reasons why the notions of class and type get so confused. The second is that we do not need separate mechanisms to explain template-based and class-based polymorphism. The class parameters constrained by F-bounds are adequate for both purposes [6], being more general than classical unconstrained parameters.


In current object-oriented languages, objects and variables are “typed” using the names of the classes like type identifiers. These identifiers are used ambiguously, to describe either an object or value with an exact type (a monomorphic type in the theory), or, alternatively, to describe a variable with a flexible type (a polymorphic class in the theory). What we should like is for object-oriented languages to indicate a class, or a type unambiguously.

Informally, it is possible to infer the intended semantics of class identifiers from the program context in which they appear. In a C++ or Java-like language, when we create an object, we usually intend to create something with a fixed implementation and an exact type:

In this context, we do not expect to obtain some instance of a subclass of Point, but rather an exact instance of the exact type Point. On the other hand, when we declare a program variable of the Point class, it is clear that we intend this to be flexible, capable of receiving values that might be more specific than a Point, but which are at least of this class:

In this context, we do not expect these variables to be restricted to accepting only objects of the exact Point type, but rather any type which is at least a subclass of Point. We can model these differences in the -calculus, to make them explicit.

Recall that a class is defined essentially as a flexible, open-ended implementation, parameterised by self, with a corresponding polymorphic type, parameterised by , the self-type [4]. We give the type-shape of the class using a type generator, followed by the implementation-shape using an object generator, which is typed using the type generator as the F-bound, restricting what types may eventually replace the self-type:

In our C++ or Java-like programming language, when we declare a variable of the Point class, what we are really asserting is the polymorphic typing p0 : , where is a type parameter constrained to range over any type in the Point class:

Programming Language Formal Model

Table 1: Polymorphic variable declaration

On the other hand, when we create an exact instance of the Point type, we must fix both the type and the implementation. In the calculus, this is done by taking the fixpoint of the type generator and of the object generator [4]:

This creates the exact instance aPoint of the exact Point type. We can therefore model the meaning of object creation expressions in our programming language:

Programming Language Formal Model

Table 2: Exactly-typed object creation

Here, we have taken the liberty of introducing the temporary variable p1 in the formal model, so that we can initialise this variable to the rather complex object creation expression and then see that it has an exact type, which is the Point type we expected. The temporary variable is simply a convenience, to save repeating longer expressions. In section 6 below, we will use a similar approach to analyse program behaviour in step-by-step detail.


First, we shall introduce a test-case that exemplifies some of the difficulties identified with type systems that check types in the first-order model (with simple types and subtyping). The example code fragment, expressed in our C++ or Java-like language, is a cut-down version of the infamous “Eiffel type failure” problem first identified by Cook [13]:

Programmers expect a Point3D instance to be type-compatible with a Point variable, but in the first order model, this is not the case. To explain why the above fragment is problematic, we should define the Point3D class, which describes a three-dimensional point, whose interface extends that of a standard two-dimensional Point:

In particular, an instance aPoint3D : Point3D, created from these generators by taking the fixpoints (see section 4) will have an extra z field; and when aPoint3D tests itself for equality against another point, it will compare all of its x, y and z fields.

In the original “type failure” scenario, the programming language expected the subtyping relationship Point3D <: Point to hold. In fact, we now know that these types are not in a subtyping relationship, because the retyping of Point3D’s equal method violates the function subtyping rule [1]. However, Eiffel allowed subclasses to retype their methods with more specific argument types, since it is unlikely in practice that we should want a Point3D to compare itself with more general kinds of point.

An undetected type failure arises as follows. First, we create a specific Point3D instance and assign it (by polymorphic aliasing) to the more general variable p : Point. This is permitted by the (faulty) assumption that Point3D <: Point. Then, we create another instance q : Point. Finally, we invoke p.equal(q), at which moment the undetected type failure occurs. Statically, the type of equal is Point.equal : Point Boolean, so it appears to be legal to pass in the given argument q : Point. However, p currently contains a dynamic instance of Point3D and the version of the equal method which is actually invoked is Point3D.equal : Point3D Boolean. This receives the too-general argument q : Point, and during the execution of the method body, an attempt is made to access the z field of a plain Point, which will cause the program to crash, generating a memory segmentation fault.

Cook originally proposed to fix this problem by forcing Eiffel to conform to strict subtyping rules [13]. Redefined argument types for equal would therefore not be allowed. Although this technically satisfies subtyping, we have seen how this results in a strictly less expressive language [2]. In particular, the equal method, which is required by every class, may only be typed with the most general kind of argument (usually, the root class Object), and it may never be retyped with more restricted types of argument. Instead, redefined versions of equal have to accept Object arguments and use runtime-checked type downcasting internally, to recover the more specific dynamic type of the argument, before comparison can be made. This merely pushes the type failure problem back into the run-time.


Classes are type-recursive, meaning that their methods often accept or return arguments of the self-type. So it is natural to want these arguments and results to become uniformly specialised along with the class itself. We want to allow a Point3D to specialise the argument type of its equal method. However, we still want to avoid unchecked type failures.

In the Theory of Classification, we take the view that a class is not a first-order concept, but a second-order, polymorphic concept. One of the advantages this brings is the ability to relate closed recursive types to each other, by relating their generators in a (second-order) pointwise subtyping relationship [3]. This allows us to specialise argument and result types uniformly, in line with programmers’ intuitions about classes. However, the recursive types themselves do not enter into simple subtyping relationships, so we cannot type-check them in the usual first-order system. By properly distinguishing the polymorphic notion of class from the monomorphic notion of type, we may type-check the same fragment of object-oriented code in a second-order model, showing that polymorphic assignment really involves the propagation of types into polymorphic type parameters. This is a very powerful checking mechanism, capable of resolving many of the difficulties formerly identified with object-oriented type systems.

On the left-hand side of table 3, the expressions in the programming language are broken down into small steps, in order to examine the types of these expressions in the formal model on the right-hand side. On the first row, we declare a polymorphic Point variable and show this to have a F-bounded parametric type. On the second row, we create an exact Point3D object and show this to have the exact Point3D type. On the third row, we assign the specific instance to the general variable. This is where the new type-checking principle first comes into play. At the moment of polymorphic aliasing, the exact type of the object is propagated into the type parameter of the variable, shown by the substitution: {Point3D / }. As a consequence, we obtain a new context p2 after the assignment (p0 := p1), in which the type of the bound variable expression has been updated.

This is how the type mismatch is eventually detected. When checking the program expression: p.equal(q), the model can predict the type of the equal method, and its expected argument type, since statically it knows that this is selected from p2. At the same time, the model knows the type of the actual argument, from the context q2. The formal and actual argument types are shown to conflict (Point Point3D), so the checker can raise a type mismatch at compile time. Not only do we spot the type error at compile time, but we do this without having to restrict the expressiveness of the language. We still allow Point3D objects to be passed into polymorphic variables p : <: GenPoint[, so long as this does not conflict with other typing requirements further down the line. For example, the following code fragment is readily accepted by this checking algorithm:

since, at the moment of selection, the equal method has the type Point3D.equal : Point3D Boolean. As a consequence, it can happily accept the actual argument q : Point3D. The following code fragment is also acceptable:

because the type substitution {Point3D / <: GenPoint[]} is made consistently when both p and q alias values of exact types, before the typing of the equal method invocation is considered. Though the variables p, q were originally declared with general polymorphic types, new type contexts are established by the polymorphic aliasing.


Any object-oriented language that truly supports the notion of class should be able to distinguish contexts where simple types, or polymorphic classes are intended. The secret to success is to preserve the underlying type parameter in expressions where polymorphism is intended. When polymorphic variables alias each other, this has the effect of substituting one type parameter for another, possibly strengthening the F-bound constraint (this is because unifying two type variables requires that you accept the more restricting of the two type constraints – see the previous discussion on intersection types in [5]). When polymorphic variables alias objects with exact types, these types are substituted into the type parameters. As a consequence, it is always clear whether an expression has a polymorphic, or fixed type, in a given context.

Object-oriented lanaguages that adopted this simple rule could remove a lot of clutter from their syntax. To start with, there would be no need to have both this kind of (genuine) polymorphic typing and subtyping. So, type checkers that performed parametric substitutions would not also have to perform subtyping coercions. If two simple types turned out not to be the same, the checker could immediately rule them as mutually incompatible! Secondly, there would be no need for separate syntactic treatments of template-based and class-based polymorphism, since both would be handled using the same underlying F-bounded parametric mechanism. However, the type instantiation process might happen at run-time as well as at compile-time (this unifies the notions of dynamic binding and template instantiation). Thirdly, we would have to consider more carefully the scope of type substitutions made when polymorphic aliasing occurs. We would expect, for example, that a polymorphic method would bind type parameters on entry, but release these bindings on exit, so that the method could be applied to an object of some different type on another occasion. What then is the scope of a polymorphic assignment? We saw above that binding one type rules out subsequent assignments to different types. The scope of an assignment would have to be defined carefully, with rules for “undoing” an assignment and recovering the old polymorphic type of the variable.

The advantages of (genuine) polymorphic typing do not stop there. For example, type propagation may have considerably stronger and pervasive effects on the behaviour of a piece of software. The C++ Standard Template Library makes use of this when it defines template allocators for handling the memory management aspects of regular data types. Substituting different actual allocators can alter the efficiency of the whole program. In fact, parametric substitution is related to reflective meta-programming and, when properly exploited, can produce most of the pervasive benefits claimed by aspect-oriented programming. By understanding the true polymorphic nature of the class, we may yet obtain much simpler, yet more powerful programming languages.


[1] A J H Simons, “The theory of classification, part 4: Object types and sub-typing”, Journal of Object Technology, vol.1 no.5, November-December 2002, pp 27-35.

[2] A J H Simons, “The theory of classification, part 7: A class is a type family”, Journal of Object Technology, vol.2 no. 3, May-June 2003, pp 13-22.

[3] A J H Simons, “The theory of classification, part 8: Classification and in-heritance”, in Journal of Object Technology, vol. 2, no. 4, July-August 2003, pp. 55-64.

[4] A J H Simons, “The theory of classification, part 11: Adding class types to object implementations”, in Journal of Object Technology, vol. 3, no. 3, March-April 2004, pp. 7-19.

[5] A J H Simons, “The theory of classification, part 16: Rules of extension and the typing of inheritance”, in Journal of Object Technology, vol. 4, no. 1, January-February 2005, pp. 13-25.

[6] A J H Simons, “The theory of classification, part 13: Template classes and genericity”, in Journal of Object Technology, vol. 3, no. 7, July-August 2004, pp. 15-25.

[7] W Harris, “Contravariance for the rest of us”, Journal of Object-Oriented Programming, Nov-Dec 1991, 10-18.

[8] A J H Simons, “The theory of classification, part 1: Perspectives on type compatibility”, Journal of Object Technology, vol. 1 no. 1, May-June 2002, pp 55-61.

[9] J-Y Girard, Interpretation fonctionelle et elimination des coupures de l'arithmetique d'ordre superieur, PhD Thesis, Universite Paris VII, 1972.

[10] J Reynolds, Towards a theory of type structure, Proc. Coll. Prog., New York, LNCS 19 (Springer Verlag, 1974), 408-425.

[11] P Canning, W Cook, W Hill, W Olthoff and J Mitchell, “F-bounded polymorphism for object-oriented programming”, Proc. 4th Int. Conf. Func. Prog. Lang. and Arch. (Imperial College, London, 1989), 273-280.

[12] W Cook, W Hill and P Canning, “Inheritance is not subtyping”, Proc. 17th ACM Symp. Principles of Prog. Lang., (ACM Sigplan, 1990), 125-135.

[13] W Cook, “A proposal for making Eiffel type safe”, Proc. 3rd European Conf. Object-Oriented Prog., 1989, 57-70; reprinted in Computer Journal 32(4), 1989, 305-311



About the author

space Anthony Simons is a Senior Lecturer and Director of Teaching Quality in the Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield, where he leads object-oriented research in verification and testing, type theory and language design, development methods and precise notations. He can be reached at

Cite this column as follows: Anthony Simons: “The Theory of Classification Part 18: Polymorphism through the Looking Glass", in Journal of Object Technology, vol. 4, no. 4, May-June 2005, pp. 7-18


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