

Dear Readers,

Richard Wiener,
Editor- in-Chief

I welcome two new columnists, Douglas Lyon (Fairfield University) and John McGregor (Clemson University).

Douglas Lyon will be writing about special topics related to Java. His first column, “Asynchronous RMI for CentiJ" is the first example of this.

John McGregor’s series will be entitled, “Strategic Software Engineering”. He will be writing about business as well as technical issues. His first column “Software Product Lines” is an example of this.

In addition to these two new columns, I welcome the continuation of regular columns by Won Kim, Mahesh Dodani, Don Firesmith and Anthony Simons.

This issue of JOT presents three feature-length papers whose authors hail from The Central University of Venezuela, National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan, The Cork Institute of Technology, Ireland, and The Department of Computer Science, University of York, UK. Descriptions of these papers are given near the links to the papers.

Hope you find this issue of JOT useful.


Richard Wiener

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